Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Paper assignment. Template details: This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Frits Wenneker ( License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (

Muons compose the penetrating component of Cosmic Rays. At sea level, they constitute the largest part of Secondary Cosmic Rays, giving an average flux of ≈ 100 m−2s−1sr−1. The aim of our experiment is to estimate, from muon decay, the mean lifetime and the mass of invisible products. Our experimental setup includes four detectors: three of them are plastic scintillators and compose the trigger system, while the last one is a liquid scintillator which measures the particles energy. All these scintillators are read by photomultipliers. Trigger and pulse thresholds are computed by logical and temporal modules in a VME crate. The Data Acquisition System has been verified to work properly. It is composed of two fADCs modules, one I/O Register, one Motorola computer and a Farm. The liquid scintillator has been calibrated in energy using both passing muons and 60CO gamma source. Thanks to the charge-energy conversion factor we estimated electron energy spectrum. In particular we selected a sample of decay events by estimating muon mean lifetime τμ = 2.19 ± 0.34 μs; then we finally extrapolated an upper limit for invisible products mass mν < 5.99 ± 0.73 MeV/c2.

SVD-разложение и его практические приложения с исходным кодом на языке Matlab. (SVD - decomposition and its practical applications with source code in the language Matlab.

My documentation report Objective: Explain what I did and how, so someone can continue with the investigation Important note: Chapter heading images should have a 2:1 width:height ratio, e.g. 920px width and 460px height. Note: This was produced using the Legrand Orange Book template, available here. Original author of the Legrand Orange Book template: Mathias Legrand ( with modifications by: Vel ( Original License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

#9774 Nano Ninjas is a rookie FTC Team consisting of fifteen girls in seventh and eighth grade and is a neighborhood team located in Portland, OR. This is our Engineering Notebook capturing every moment of of FTC journey. Read more about our amazing project in our story on the Overleaf blog. This is a big, detailed report at 300+ pages, so give it a few seconds to load! :-)

Bacterial cells can have DNA damage due to transcriptional error, or through the effect of an antibiotic. The SOS response is a bacterial cell program for coping with DNA damage, in which the cell cycle is arrested, and DNA repair is induced. The repairs have high probability in leading to mutagenesis in the bacteria, which can lead to antibiotic resistance. The RecA protein in bacteria is responsible for the activation of the SOS response; therefore, making it a target for inhibition. I elected to use the ubiquitination system, natively used for apoptosis, as a means of targeted degradation of the RecA protein in bacteria prone to mutations. Polyubiquitination of misfolded proteins leads to the breaking down of the protein with the aid of proteasomes, which break down unnecessary proteins through a chemical reaction known as proteolysis. Using random forest-predictors, I determined a statistically high likelihood of ubiquitination of the RecA protein in MRSA, Tuberculosis, and other high risk bacterial infections. I hypothesized that I could foster ubiquitin-tagging on RecA by forcing the protein to misfold. Chaperones are proteins which interact with each other to prevent specific sets of proteins from misfolding. CHIP (C terminus of HSC70-Interacting Protein) is a biomolecule that inhibits interactions between the chaperones of RecA. Adding CHIP, ubiquitin, and 26s proteasomes into the bacterial system, should theoretically lead to the degradation of the RecA protein inside the bacteria. I tested my hypothesis by conducting an assay for monitoring CHIP-mediated ubiquitination, and conducted analysis on the assay using SDS- Page gel electrophoresis, and Western-blotting. The resulting data showed signs of polyubiquitination on the RecA protein, with chains of five or more ubiquitin, showing high drug potential. Adding an antibody drug conjugate, containing all the necessary components of a CHIP-mediated ubiquitination reaction, to common antibiotics can lead to the inhibition of bacterial mutagenesis, and higher antibiotic drug potency.

An experiment investigating full wave rectification, for the purposes of producing a steady DC output. This is implemented using every half-cycle input from the supply voltage instead of every other half, this is known as a full wave rectifier.

El análisis de sentimientos o minería opinión es el campo de estudio que analiza las opiniones, sentimientos, valoraciones, actitudes y emociones de la gente en lenguaje escrito. Es un área donde el procesamiento del lenguaje natural, la minería de datos, minería web y minería de texto se encuentran. Por ello, presentamos algunos conceptos necesarios para la comprensión de las características e implementación de estos métodos para la concepción de un sistema de un sistema de análisis de sentimientos.

Design and Implementation of distributed and fault-tolerant cellular core network
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