LaTeX templates and examples — Posters
Showcase your work at conferences, class presentations, or university open days with these eye-catching LaTeX poster templates. Switch between landscape or portrait, A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4 size posters.


A very simple 3-column poster, with a nice references and logos foot.

A0 Poster Template for UCL based on work found

A poster template based on corporate guidelines and templates from The Christie. Styles using Christie logos and NHS colours and font. Can be easily adapted for any NHS organisation All logos are property of The Christe NHS Foundation Trust. *Updated: custom bib style file to make short very references.

projecto geometria Acuerdate que para realizar la distancia entre los planos primero debes ver si estos estan es su forma cartesiana general de no ser asi copia y pega el siguiente link para que veas como se hace:Da click aqui

this is for the poster used on the ICASSP conference

UNOFFICIAL Template for Poster with Radboud University, Donders Institute layout

evaluacion de correlaciones para la determinacion del coeficiente de transferecia de calor en un solo tubo

Blazars are a type of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), characterized by the emission of a relativistic jet that points close to our line of sight. They are extremely powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. By cross-correlating light-curves from different energies, it is possible to determine the physical condition of the blazar emitting region, i.e. mechanism, morphology, distance from block hole to the actual emission, etc. In 2007, the 40m telescope at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) embarked on a new research campaign. In support of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, the OVRO 40m telescope is monitoring more than 1800 blazars twice per week. In 2014, a new Ku-band spectropolarimeter receiver, KuPol, was installed on the 40m telescope with the aim of elucidating about potential spectral fluctuations that may arise during the flaring events. In this poster, we will present relevant information and preliminar results from KuPol and the actual status of its calibration, and also as well as the current state of the PSD analysis, where we are applying Fourier Transform to the signals.
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