A UCL poster class for LaTeX
Rob J Stanley, Joshua Russell-Buckland
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A0 Poster Template for UCL based on work found https://github.com/robjstan/latex-uclposter
A0 Poster Template for UCL based on work found https://github.com/robjstan/latex-uclposter
\title{A UCL poster class for LaTeX}
\author[1 *]{Anne Example}
\author[1,2]{Ann Other}
\affil[1]{Department of LaTeX Studies, UCL}
\affil[2]{TikZ, UCL}
A poster class for \LaTeX that attempts to follow the UCL Corporate Identity.
This package is unofficial and is not supported by UCL.
Currently only compilation with XeLaTeX is supported.
\section*{Installation and usage}
Copy the `uclposter.sty` file to the directory containing the poster LaTeX file.
No additional files are needed (the banner/logo is included entirely as vector drawing code).
\section*{Highlight boxes}
The \textbackslash highlightbox command inserts a coloured box, the default colour is a lighter version of the banner colour.
The colour of a \textbackslash highlightbox can also be changed.
\foreach \x[count=\xi] in {UCLlightpurple, UCLdarkpurple, UCLpurple, UCLblueceleste, UCLlightblue, UCLskyblue, UCLbrightblue, UCLnavyblue, UCLdarkblue, UCLdarkgreen, UCLmidgreen, UCLbrightgreen, UCLlightgreen, UCLstone, UCLdarkgrey, UCLdarkbrown, UCLdarkred, UCLburgundy, UCLpink, UCLrichred, UCLmidred, UCLorange, UCLyellow, UCLwhite, UCLblack}
\fill[fill=\x] (0,-\xi) rectangle +(0.9,0.9) node[anchor=north west, inner sep=3pt] {\x};