LaTeX templates and examples — Two-column

In this paper we will study an algorithm designed by Madgwick which is commonly used to determine the orientation of a quadcopter. The algorithm uses a group of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers integrated in what is called an IMU as input. Some differences have been found between the results obtained by the original paper and the implementation done by the author. Therefore, a thorough study has been made, finding a miscalculation in the equations. The results show a relative average error in the orientation of 1,44 ppm.

A proof is given that the summation of all prime numbers can be assigned the value of 13/12, as well as values that can be assigned to the summation of all multiples and all odd multiples.

Breu resum sobre l'amor al món medieval. Basat en apunts de l'assignatura de la UB.

his project is part of the FlowNet initiative. FlowNet aims at providing Internet freedom and free flow information through socially informed, censor resistant online social networks. My contribution for FLowNet is in devel- oping an Android application, SecurePost. The requirement for SecurePost is two-fold. First, the system should facilitate secure, anonymous, group communication within a closed group of trusted members. Second, the general public on the Internet viewing this content, should be able to verify that the content was generated only by the said closed group of trusted members. The system consists of an Android client application, a proxy server and a browser-plugin. The OSNs supported by this system are Twitter and Facebook.

No presente trabalho vamos abordar o Efeito Hall discutindo experimentos realizados afim de estimar o valores do Coeficiente Hall de dois metais,o cobre e o zinco.Com o objetivo de compará-los com o da literatura.

Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology is a highly respected peer reviewed Open Access journal publishing papers on all aspects of atmospheric chemical cycling related to Earth science processes. For more information about submission to the journal, please see the journal website.

Vibration control is crucially important in ensuring a smooth ride for vehicle passengers. This study sought to design a suspension system for a car such that its mode of vibration would be predominantly bouncing at lower speeds, and primarily pitching at higher speeds. Our study used analytical and numerical methods to choose appropriate springs and dampers for the front and rear suspension. After an initial miscalculation, we succeeded in arriving at appropriate shocks for the vehicle with the desired modes of vibration at the specified frequencies. We then assessed the maximum bouncing and pitching that the vehicle would experience under a specific set of conditions: travel at 40 km/hr over broken, rough terrain. Our testing showed moderate success in our suspension design. We successfully damped the force being transmitted to both the front and rear quarter car somewhat, while ensuring that the modes of vibration fell into the desired shapes at the desired frequency ranges.


Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. OFDM has developed into a popular scheme for wideband digital communication, used in applications such as digital television and audio broadcasting, DSL Internet access, wireless networks, powerline networks, and 4G mobile communications..
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