Acta Acustica united with Acustica, published in collaboration with the European Acoustics Association (EAA), is an international, peer-reviewed journal on acoustics. It publishes original articles on all subjects in the field of acoustics.
The journal reports on original scientific research in acoustics and on engineering applications. The journal considers review papers, scientific papers, technical and applied papers, short communications, letters to the editor, and fast track articles. From time to time, special issues and review articles are also published. For book reviews or doctoral thesis abstracts, please contact the EAA.
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Quantum Dots are semiconductor nanocrystals whose diameter is in the range of 2-10 nm, corre- sponding to 10 to 50 atoms in diameter and a total of 100 to 100,000 atoms within the quantum dot volume. Many types of quantum dot emit light of specific frequencies if electricity or light is applied to them, and these frequencies can be precisely tuned by changing the dots’ size, shape and material, giving rise to many applica- tions. Because of their high tunable properties, quantum dots are of wide interest. It finds its applications in nanotechnology, medical imaging, transistors, solar cells, LED’s, diode lasers, quantum computing, etc. With this project, we intend to further understand and study the properties of quantum dots by using atomic force microscopy.
The use of technological resources in education has lead to positive changes in the elaboration of new methodologies, in this context technologies such as the Digital Interactive Whiteboard (DIW) can act by facilitating Learning. The mere presence of the DIW does not guarantee benefits for the student's learning process, that raises doubts about whether or not the resources available are used in a satisfactory manner. In this research it was possible to verify that there are few tools available for the DIW context, and many of them have problems of usability and content quality. Thus, a form of facilitate the content elaboration for the DIW is the use of Authoring Tools (ATs). In order to verify whether or not the use of ATs promotes better use of the DIW, an AT (entitled AtauDIW) was developed to assist the use of DIWs.
This paper presents instructions for preparing papers for the IFMBE Proceedings series. The template is intended to guide the authors in preparing the electronic version of their paper. Only papers prepared according to these instructions will be published in both, the paper and online version of the IFMBE proceedings. In this abstract section you should provide an abstract of your paper, not longer than 300 words.
Con el auge de los sistemas de bases de datos NoSQL los cuales implementan modelos de datos diferentes al relacional como son las bases de datos documentales o de grafos, ha surgido el concepto de Persistencia Políglota. Ésta sostiene que debido a la gran variedad y cantidad de representación de los datos, y los diversos servicios que pueden dar las aplicaciones hoy en día; es necesario el uso de más de un tipo de sistema de almacenamiento para ser capaz de cubrir de forma eficiente todas las necesidades de la aplicación que use dicho sistema. En este trabajo se busca dar una idea general de las Aplicaciones de Persistencia Políglota describiendo las posibles arquitecturas que hacen uso de las bases de datos NoSQL y su funcionamiento, se estudian algunos casos de éxito y se lleva a cabo un caso de estudio usando MongoDB y Neo4j.