Sencilla plantilla (no oficial) para informes o trabajos universitarios a una sola columna. Contiene paquetes para la inserción de gráficos e imágenes, así como de código informático (especialmente pensado para Octave y Matlab). Se incluyen diversos paquetes para la inserción de símbolos matemáticos y teoremas.
Está totalmente habilitada para la escritura en español.
La portada muestra el escudo de la Universidad de Oviedo.
Template to write solutions to homework assignments that involve math equations, figures and code. Just one line command to add the Matlab code with its file name.
This template is based on
You can easily get started by defining variables such as the title of your
thesis etc.
Chose whether you want the title page with one logo or with two logo. Default is one.
Images go in the "images" directory. Other resources, e.g. source code files, go in the "resources" directory.
Simply start writing by adding sections in the "sections" directory and including these files in "main.tex".
Note, that this template is optimized for theses in computer science with Java as main programming language. But feel free to configure listings, e.g. for other languages.