Meng Zhang
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%-----------------------------------------BEGIN DOC----------------------------------------
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{目\ 录}
\renewcommand{\today}{\number\year 年 \number\month 月 \number\day 日}
\title{{\Huge CS22014实验报告模版{\large\linebreak\\}}{\Large 实验二、GPU PTX与线程管理\linebreak\linebreak}}
%please write your name, Student #, and Class # in Authors, student ID, and class # respectively
\author{\\姓\ 名:计\ 春\ 生\\
学\ 号: 168668\\
班\ 号: xxxxx\\\\
CS 22014 流计算结构及其程序设计\\
(春季, 2017)\\\\
{\Large\bf{摘\ 要\\}}
{\Large\bf{版\ 权\ 声\ 明\\}}
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\section{概述} \label{overview}%------------------------------
\item{\textbf{PTX分析} 分析NVidia GPGPU PTX指令,判断实现矩阵运算需要的指令序列}
\item{\textbf{与x86指令进行比较} 比较GPGPU指令序列和x86标量指令序列实现矩阵运算的差异}
\item{\textbf{分析Warp调度的过程} 寻找GPGPU-sim中关于Warp调度管理的代码,分析计分牌算法}
\item{\textbf{warp调度的实验} 分析不同的指令序列的warp调度能力,分别设定能够掩盖存储延时和不能掩盖存储访问延时的不同序列,分析计算性能。}
%------------------------------------Lab Process--------------------------------------
\subsection{实验过程} \label{sub:ptxproc}
建议使用listings package来表示不同显示不同的命令行或代码。使用如下代码:
$source setup release
如果需要索引参考文献,请使用\cite{Erdos01}, 同时已经将参考文献的项目模版在文末写出。
\textbf{信号名} & \textbf{方向} & \textbf{位宽} & \textbf{功能描述}\\ \hline \hline
boot & Input & 1-bit & 触发测试模式, 当处理器正常工作时被置为0\\ \hline
test\_im\_wr & Input & 1-bit & Instruction memory write enable in test mode,set to 0 in
CPU regular process mode. In test mode, it will be set to 1 when if writing instructions to imem, otherwise it is set to 0.\\ \hline
test\_im\_re & Input & 1-bit & Instruction memory read enable in test mode,set to 0 in
CPU regular process mode. In test mode, it will be set to 1 when if reading instructions out, otherwise it is set to 0. \\ \hline
test\_im\_addr & Input & 32-bit& Instruction memory address\\ \hline
test\_im\_in & Input & 32-bit& Instruction memory data input for test mode. \\ \hline
test\_im\_out & Output& 32-bit& Instruction memory data output for test mode. \\ \hline
test\_dm\_wr & Input & 1-bit & Data memory write enable in test mode,set to 0 in
CPU regular process mode. In test mode, it will be set to 1 when if writing data to dmem, otherwise it is set to 0.\\ \hline
test\_dm\_re & Input & 1-bit & Data memory read enable in test mode,set to 0 in
CPU regular process mode. In test mode, it will be set to 1 when if reading data out, otherwise it is set to 0.\\ \hline
test\_dm\_addr & Input & 32-bit& Data memory address\\ \hline
test\_dm\_in & Input & 32-bit& Data memory input for test mode. \\ \hline
test\_dm\_out & Output& 32-bit& Data memory output for test mode. \\ \hline
valid & Output& 1-bit & If CPU stopped or any exception happens, valid signal is set to 0.\\
% --------------------------------Evaluation----------------------------------------
% -----------------------------------Appendix----------------------------------------
class TopIO extends Bundle() {
val boot = Input(Bool())
// imem and dmem interface for Tests
val test_im_wr = Input(Bool())
val test_im_rd = Input(Bool())
val test_im_addr = Input(UInt(32.W))
val test_im_in = Input(UInt(32.W))
val test_im_out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val test_dm_wr = Input(Bool())
val test_dm_rd = Input(Bool())
val test_dm_addr = Input(UInt(32.W))
val test_dm_in = Input(UInt(32.W))
val test_dm_out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val valid = Output(Bool())
class Top extends Module() {
val io = IO(new TopIO())//in chisel3, io must be wrapped in IO(...)
when (io.boot & io.test_im_wr){
imm(io.test_im_addr) := io.test_im_in
} .elsewhen (io.boot & io.test_dm_wr){
// please finish it
} //...
% -----------------------------------REFERENCE----------------------------------------
\bibitem{Erdos01} P. Erd\H os, \emph{A selection of problems and
results in combinatorics}, Recent trends in combinatorics (Matrahaza,
1995), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 1--6.