LaTeX templates and examples — LuaLaTeX

This is a template for managing long documents in LaTeX. It combines goodies from few different libraries to support writing long documents. It was developed for the purposes of writing a thesis. It includes example split of files, glossary, watermark, line numbers, appendices, references with BibTeX, custom command and example sections.

Modelo de livro para a série Ensino de Graduação da Editora UnB (Universidade de Brasília). Template for book of the category "Ensino de Graduação" (Undergraduate Teaching) of "Editora UnB" (Brasilia University Publisher).

МУИС, ХШУИС, МКУТ-ын диплом, дадлагын ажил бичих загвар

The article template for NLA'2018 conference. It is based on the standard llncs class (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences) and adjusted with a style file of the conference. This Overleaf template contains two main files. One is for English papers and another for Russian ones. Switch templates via Overleaf Project menu. Conference site:

This is a template for TUT theses, based on the 2017 updates to the 2014 Thesis Writing Guide and the Word template made for it. The example document in this template is in the form of a master’s thesis in English, see also the one in the form of a bachelor’s thesis in Finnish. Both templates use the same document class. The comments in the example document show how to change options such as figure numbering and referencing style.

Resume in LuaLatex Resume in LuaLatex using json sources. Work in progress on HTML page based on the same json sources.

Hassan Raza's CV

Pré projeto de monografia criado para auxiliar os alunos do IFBA na elaboração dos seus projetos de monografia.

Beamer Presentation LaTeX Template Version 2.0 (10/06/16) Attention: The self-defined font is used, because 'Calibri' is not supported in the latex font packages. 'LuaLatex' should be used. This template has been generated according to the Power Point template of LUMC in 2016. This is generated purely with images as the background. The bullet point color was used purely for personal preference. Any more adding to the template are welcome. In order to use the navigation bar, the title for each section should not be to long. Adding animation is possible. I prefer to add another pdf file with: \animategraphics[parameters]{1}{fname}{startnum}{endnum} This is my first template, the files might be not well organized, sorry for that. Author: Shengnan Liu ( Division Medical imaging processing, Leiden University Medical Center Modification Log: Generated by Shengnan Liu on 21-01-2016 Cleaned up for further usage on 10-06-2016
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