LaTeX templates and examples — Charts
LaTeX can be used to produce a variety of different charts and diagrams, including: flowcharts, gantt charts, pie charts, branching and decision trees, family trees, histograms, bar charts and more. If you're looking for a particular type of chart that isn't featured here, please let us know, or submit your own example to the gallery.

periodic table with all the known elements in Spanish

j'aimes les math par une courbe paramétrique de cœur !

This popular visualization of the Porter Value Chain is a great example of how LaTeX can be used to produce striking, high quality formatting of simple objects such as tables. Originally posted as this answer on TeX StackExchange, we've pre-loaded the table into Overleaf to let you easily add your own content. Simply click the table to start editing online. Once you're done, you can insert the table into a longer LaTeX document, or download as a PDF for use as a standalone piece. If you're new to LaTeX, checkout the third part of our free online LaTeX course for more hints on creating presentations and drawings in LaTeX.

Este ejemplo muestra el Convertidor ADC (Analógico a Digital) Sigma Delte de Segundo Orden que a diferencia del Convertidor de primer orden, tiene dos etapas integradoras de las señales de diferencia que provienen de los sumadores. En este caso, a la salida del segundo integrador aparece el comparador como convertidor ADC de 1 bit cuya salida alimenta al bloque convertidor DAC (Digital a Analógico) de 1 bit y a la etapa de Filtro Digital o Diezmador. La teoría, en idioma inglés, de este diseño se encuentra en el documento "How delta-sigma ADCs work, Part 1", publicado por la empresa Texas Instruments de Bonnie Baker, disponible en el enlace

Chart of subatomic particles

Copyright 2009 Ivan Griffin This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Ivan Griffin This work consists of the files periodic_table.tex

What is global warming doing to us?

A little bit more advanced flowchart than the simple flowchart example at:

Este gráfico presenta las comparaciones de la compansión de una señal telefónica de entrada cuando es comprimida usando la Ley-A y la Ley-Mu tal se describen en la Recomendación G.711 de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones. De la gráfica se deduce que la compansión con ambas leyes no presenta mayores diferencias.
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