UESTC Recommendation Letter Template
Ian Dx
Last Updated:
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
UESTC Recommendation Letter Template

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% 调用UESTCLetter.cls捏
\definecolor{uestcblue}{rgb}{0.0549, 0.208, 0.545}
\rhead{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}}
% 字体捏
\setmainfont[ExternalLocation=fonts/]{Cambria.ttf}[BoldFont=CambriaBold.ttf, ItalicFont=CambriaItalic.ttf, BoldItalicFont=CambriaBoldItalic.ttf]
% 背景图捏
\path (0,0) -- (\paperwidth,\paperheight);
\node[opacity=.1] at (current page.center)
\pgfpointanchor{current page}{north east}
\pgfpointanchor{current page}{south west}
\expandafter\pgf@x\expandafter=\pgfmathresult pt
\expandafter\pgf@y\expandafter=\pgfmathresult pt
% 要填的信息捏
\def\newEmail{\textbf{\color{uestcblue}E-mail}: \email}
\def\newTel{\textbf{\color{uestcblue}Phone}: \tel}
\def\newUrl{\textbf{\color{uestcblue}URL}: \url}
% 右边的地址
% 推荐人签名和备注捏
% 日期捏
% 上面的东西捏
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,,every node/.style={anchor=center}]
\node[text width=7cm] at (page cs:0.62,0.73){\small \newaddress};
% hello
% 背景捏
% 正文捏
% b-bye