A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
Template for a PhD thesis following the TU Delft corporate design, using the font family Roboto or alternatively using the LaTeX package 'Fourier'.
The template extends and updates the dissertation template by K.P. Hart and Wouter Bolsterlee.
The unofficial LaTeX Beamer template for presentation slides, designed for students at Singapore Management University (SMU). This template is mostly inspired by the VT Presentation Template. GitHub repo: https://github.com/felixnie/smu-beamer.
Русскоязычный шаблон для рефератов по ГОСТ 7.32-2017 "Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе". Подготовлен по рекомендациям сотрудников и преподавателей Университета ИТМО для студентов технических и естественно-научных специальностей.
Шаблон составлен для компилятора XeLaTeX, библиография собирается при помощи движка biber. Работоспособность проверялась в Overleaf и на Windows 11 в связке MikTeX + TeXstudio.
A non-official Course Report LaTeX Template of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Adapted from DoniaHakurei(https://github.com/DoniaHakurei/CUFE_thesis_LaTeX_template)from GitHub, based on new releases of the dean's office.