浙江大学学位论文模板 zjuthesis
Zixuan Wang
Last Updated
3 года назад
Other (as stated in the work)
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具体使用说明参见 GitHub 主页,本Overleaf 模板不保证与 GitHub 模板同步更新,需要使用最新版本请参考 GitHub 主页。
% Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis/Design Template
% Author : Zixuan Wang
% Email : zxwang42 [at] gmail.com
% Update : https://github.com/TheNetAdmin/zjuthesis/releases
% Discussion : https://github.com/TheNetAdmin/zjuthesis/discussions
% Documents : https://thenetadmin.github.io/zjuthesis
% If you have trouble using this template, please:
% 1. First go through the online documentations mentioned above, to see if
% there're already solutions.
% 2. Go through GitHub Issue list, to see if there're discussions on similar
% problems
% 3. Open a GitHub Issue to discuss with developers
% 4. If you don't know how to use GitHub, you can send me an email
% Debugging Settings
PrintFilePath = false, % print tex file path for each page
% Layout Settings
TwoSide = true, % set to false if don't need empty pages
% Thesis Info
StudentName = 姓名,
StudentID = 学号,
AdvisorName = 指导教师,
Grade = 2014, % only the year, no '级'
Major = 专业,
Department = 学院,
SubmitDate = 递交日期,
MajorFormat = general,
Degree = undergraduate, % 'undergraduate' or 'graduate'
Type = thesis, % 'thesis' or 'design'
Period = final, % 'proposal' or 'final'
BlindReview = false, % 'false' or 'true'
Language = chinese, % 'chinese' or 'english'
% Graduate Thesis Info
GradLevel = master, % 'master' or 'doctor'
Topic = 研究方向,
ColaboratorName = 合作导师,
% Title
Title = 毕业论文/设计题目,
TitleEng = {{Graduation Thesis Title}}
%% Uncomment the following lines if you need multi line titles on cover pages
% \titletwolines{毕业论文题目第一行}{毕业论文题目第二行}
% \titleengtwolines{English Title Line One}{Englisht Title Line Two}
%% Uncomment the following lines if you need multi line department names on cover pages
% \departmenttwolines{学院名第一行}{学院名第二行}
% Final thesis
% Final part
% Proposal part
% Thesis proposal
% 'proposal' previous part uses 'empty' page style,
% as shown in cs undergrad template.
% Main contents
% Post part