Sara Nagreen
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template of the UW Math Department Academic Staff Activity Report which is submitted annually.
\textbf {Academic Staff Activity Report}
\large \textit {12-Month Period: September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023}
\noindent {\bf NAME:}
1.\quad \textbf{Duties} \quad {\it{Please describe your duties for the past year. Note any major changes in your job. If your duties include supervising student hourlies or LTEs, please include their names and describe the work that they did for you. Include any work involving budget planning and/or purchasing. If your duties include teaching or tutorial work, your evaluation numbers will be on file, but you might put here work on course development or revision, workshops given, and other service to undergraduates. If you have received comments from students or have developed supplemental material (including software) for classes, you might wish to put those in a “teaching portfolio,” which would become part of your employment file here.}}
2.\quad \textbf{Research} \quad {\it{(Just say “not applicable” if this is not part of your job).}}
3. \quad {\textbf{Departmental committees and other service}}
4. \quad {\textbf{University committees and other service}}
5. \quad \textbf{Other} \quad {\it{You might list here any math writing you have done, conferences attended or talks given outside the university, and grant proposals (funded or submitted).}}