UVIC Co-op Report Template
David Li
Last Updated
7 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the boilerplate I used for my third co-op report at the University of Victoria.
This is the boilerplate I used for my third co-op report at the University of Victoria.
\newcommand{\printTitle}{Insert a title Here}
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including pictures
\graphicspath{{Images/}} % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored
%% Use roman numercals page numbering for front matter, letter of transmittal, and table of contents.
% Manually modified the word front page template, and then save to pdf and include using includepdf.
%%%% Add the required double spacing %%%
940 Blanshard Street
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 3E6
Susan Fiddler
Co-op Coordinator
Faculty of Engineering
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 1700
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 2Y2
Dear Susan,
Please accept the accompanying Work Term Report entitled "Determining uses of JIRA and Confluence at MOTI IMB."
This report is the result of work completed at the SOME GENEriC ORGANIZATION. During my first work
term as a University of Victoria student, I used charts and tables to display information about issue, complied documentation for critical applications in a wiki and researched add-ons to extend functionality. In the course of work, I gained exposure to a technical environment, and learned how software can integrate together.
Through the course of the term, I was given the opportunity to learn much agile software development, testing applications, and software products. I feel that this knowledge will be helpful in future work terms, and in my career.
I would like to thank my manager, MISTER MAN, for his patience and good judgement, as well as
the RANDOM FOLK who were always willing to help.
David Li
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TABLE OF CONTENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Stop page breaks for list of figures and list of tables
%{\listoffigures \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage \listoftables}
\renewcommand{\printTitle}{Determining Potential Uses of JIRA and Confluence}
%\setcounter{tocdepth}{0} 0 means only chapters in toc, 1 includes sections, 2 includes subsections, etc.
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\tableofcontents % Print table of contents
\cleardoublepage %\cleardoublepage %for openright
\listoffigures %List of Figures
\listoftables %List of Tables
%\lstlistoflistings %List of Code listings
%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{{Listings}} % ADD HEADING TO TOC
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END TABLE OF CONTENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUMMARY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section*{Summary }
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Summary} % Manually add the unlabelled section, summary is not numbered as specified in university co-op report standards.
In the continuing effort to organize high-quality reliable information, the \gls{MOTI} \gls{IMB} is presently experimenting with \gls{JIRA}, an \gls{issue} tracking tool and \gls{Confluence}, \gls{wiki} software for technical documentation. Although good quality information is critical to operations, \gls{sd} is inconsistent and scattered across multiple sources, some of which require access permissions.\gls{JIRA} and Confluence are software tools that improve productivity and organization within MOTI IMB. \\ \\
Benefits from connecting \gls{JIRA} and \gls{Confluence} include common user management, reporting on existing JIRA \glspl{issue} in \gls{Confluence} and switching between application quickly. Extending the functionality of these tools by installing add-ons will assist in improving \gls{sd}. Purchasing software such as \gls{Confluence} to solve the \gls{sd} problem is inadequate because software can be poorly designed or implemented. These software tools assist in information management, but full utilization and proper implementation is required to improve documentation.
% Uncomment to enable double spacing %
% \doublespacing
%%%%% GLOSSARY %%%%%%%%
% Alternative usage of glossary
%\printglossary[title=List of Terms,toctitle=Terms and abbreviations]
\printglossaries %%% PRINT GLOSSARIES %%%%
%%% Set page numbers for introduction %%
\addtocounter{section}{0} %%% start at page #1 Introduction.
\setcounter{page}{1}% Start page number with 1
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}}% Arabic numerals for page counter
%%%% Inserting Main Content %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%% END Main Content %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% BACK MATTER, printing References %%%%%%%%%
\renewcommand\bibname{References} % Change bibliography to references
% nocite prints all references even if they were not used
% \nocite{*}
\section{Code Listings}
language = C,
basicstyle = \ttfamily,
style = default,
%frame = single,
caption = {Caesar Cipher for CSC 111},]
\caption{A screenshot of the RTL Schematics produced from the Verilog code.}
\subfloat[LED4 Period]{\label{fig:Per4}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{period_led4.png}} \\
\subfloat[LED5 Period]{\label{fig:Per5}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{period_led5.png}}
\subfloat[LED6 Period]{\label{fig:Per6}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{period_led6.png}}
\caption{Period of LED blink rate captured by osciliscope.}
description={An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set
of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API},
first={Application Programming Interface (API)},
long={Application Programming Interface}
basicstyle = \ttfamily,
style= Oracle,
%frame = single,
caption = {Sample SQL Query},]
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *4c @{}}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Models} & A & B & C & D \\
Model $X$ & X1 & X2 & X3 & X4 \\
Model $Y$ & Y1 & Y2 & Y3 & Y4 \\
x & x & x & x \\ \hline
x & x & x & x \\
x & x & x & x \\ \hline
$ 8 = 2 \times 4 $
\[ \]
% ARRAY OF EQUATIONS (The splat supresses the numbering)
\dot{x} % dot
\ddot{x} % double dot
\bar{x} % bar
\tilde{x} % tilde
\vec{x} % vector
\hat{x} % hat
\acute{x} % acute
\grave{x} % grave
\breve{x} % breve
\check{x} % dot (cowboy hat)
\mathrm{text} % roman
\mathsf{text} % sans serif
\mathtt{text} % Typewriter
\mathbb{text} % Blackboard bold
\mathcal{text} % Caligraphy
\mathfrak{text} % Fraktur
\textbf{text} % bold
\textit{text} % italic
\textsl{text} % slanted
\textsc{text} % small caps
\texttt{text} % typewriter
\underline{text} % underline
\emph{text} % emphasized
\begin{tiny}text\end{tiny} % Tiny
\begin{scriptsize}text\end{scriptsize} % Script Size
\begin{footnotesize}text\end{footnotesize} % Footnote Size
\begin{small}text\end{small} % Small
\begin{normalsize}text\end{normalsize} % Normal Size
\begin{large}text\end{large} % Large
\begin{Large}text\end{Large} % Larger
\begin{LARGE}text\end{LARGE} % Very Large
\begin{huge}text\end{huge} % Huge
\begin{Huge}text\end{Huge} % Very Huge
% \Gls{agile} software development uses repeatable brief cycles called
% \glspl{sprint} that focus on short-term deliverables.
\caption{A picture323}
Nucleus & \textit{I} & Natural Abundance / \% & Larmor Frequency @ 7T \\
\rowcolor{black!20} \textsuperscript{1}H & \sfrac{1}{2} & 99.98 & 298.0 \\
\textsuperscript{2}H & 1 & 0.02 & 45.7 \\
\rowcolor{black!20} \textsuperscript{12}C & 0 & 98.90 & - \\
\textsuperscript{13}C & \sfrac{1}{2} & 1.10 & 74.9 \\
\rowcolor{black!20} \textsuperscript{14}N & 1 & 99.60 & 21.5 \\
\textsuperscript{15}N & \sfrac{1}{2} & 0.40 & 30.2 \\
\rowcolor{black!20} \textsuperscript{16}O & 0 & 99.96 & - \\
\textsuperscript{17}O & \sfrac{1}{2} & 0.04 & 40.4 \\
l<{Example text}l@{}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Input}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Output}}\\
& \normal{\head{Command}} & \normal{\head{Declaration}}
& \normal{\head{Single use}} & \head{Combined}\\
\multirow{3}{*}{Family} & textrm & rmfamily & \rmfamily & \\
& textsf & sffamily & \sffamily & \\
& texttt & ttfamily & \ttfamily & \\
\multirow{2}{1.1cm}{Weight} & textbf & bfseries & \bfseries
& \multirow{2}{1.8cm}{\sffamily\bfseries Bold and sans-serif} \\
& textmd & mdseries & \mdseries & \\
\multirow{4}{*}{Shape} & textit & itshape & \itshape & \\
& textsl & slshape & \slshape &
\multirow{2}{1.8cm}{\sffamily\slshape Slanted and sans-serif}\\
& textsc & scshape & \scshape & \\
& textup & upshape & \upshape & \\
Default & textnormal & normalfont & \normalfont & \\
\caption{\LaTeX\ font selection}
coltitle=black,center title,freelance,frame code={
\foreach \n in {north east,north west,south east,south west}
{\path [fill=red!75!black] (interior.\n) circle (3mm); };},}}
coltitle=black,center title}}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tabularx={X||Y|Y|Y|Y||Y},title=My table]
Group & One & Two & Three & Four & Sum\\\hline\hline
Red & 1000.00 & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 10000.00\\\hline
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 14000.00\\\hline
Blue & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 6000.00 & 18000.00\\\hline\hline
Sum & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00
\caption{Another Great Table}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tab1, tabularx={X||Y|Y|Y|Y||Y}]
Group & One & Two & Three & Four & Sum\\\hline\hline
Red & 1000.00 & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 10000.00\\\hline
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 14000.00\\\hline
Blue & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 6000.00 & 18000.00\\\hline\hline
Sum & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00
\caption{Great Table}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tab2, tabularx={X||Y|Y|Y|Y||Y},title=My table]
Group & One & Two & Three & Four & Sum\\\hline\hline
Red & 1000.00 & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 10000.00\\\hline
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 14000.00\\\hline
Blue & 3000.00 & 4000.00 & 5000.00 & 6000.00 & 18000.00\\\hline\hline
Sum & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00
\caption{Good Table}
\textbf{\textcolor{myGreen}{Goal 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty}} & \\
Target 1.A Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of the people whose income is less than \$1 a day. &
\item[1.1] Proportion of population below \$1 purchasing power parity (PPP) a day$^a$
\item[1.2] Poverty Gap ratio [incidence x depth of poverty]
\item[1.3] Share of the poorest quintile in national consumption
Target 1.B Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people &
\item[1.4] Growth of GDP per person employed
\item[1.5] Employment to population ratio
\item[1.6] Proportion of employed people living below \$1 (PP) a day
\item[1.7] Proportion of own-account and contribution family workers in total employment
Target 1.C Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger &
\item[1.8] Prevalence of underweight children under five years of age
\item[1.9] Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption
\textbf{\textcolor{myGreen}{Goal 2 Achieve universal primary education}} \\
Target 2.A Ensure that by 2015 children everywhere, boy and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. &
\item[2.1] Net enrollment ratio in primary education
\item[2.2] Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary education
\item[2.3] Literacy rate of 15- to 24-year-olds, women and men
\textbf{\textcolor{myGreen}{Goal 3 Promote gender equality and empower women}}} \\
Target 3.A Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015 &
\item[3.1] Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education
\item[3.2] Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector.
\caption{Great table to use}
\caption{Another picture2323}
basicstyle = \ttfamily,
style= Oracle,
caption = {Sample SQL Query},]
\begin{tabular}{ |l|l|l| }
\multicolumn{3}{ |c| }{Team sheet} \\
Goalkeeper & GK & Paul Robinson \\ \hline
\multirow{4}{*}{Defenders} & LB & Lucas Radebe \\
& DC & Michael Duburry \\
& DC & Dominic Matteo \\
& RB & Didier Domi \\ \hline
\multirow{3}{*}{Midfielders} & MC & David Batty \\
& MC & Eirik Bakke \\
& MC & Jody Morris \\ \hline
Forward & FW & Jamie McMaster \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{*}{Strikers} & ST & Alan Smith \\
& ST & Mark Viduka \\
\caption{Table Title}
\begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \toprule
{$m$} & {$\Re\{\underline{\mathfrak{X}}(m)\}$} & {$-\Im\{\underline{\mathfrak{X}}(m)\}$} & {$\mathfrak{X}(m)$} & {$\frac{\mathfrak{X}(m)}{23}$} & {$A_m$} & {$\varphi(m)\ /\ ^{\circ}$} & {$\varphi_m\ /\ ^{\circ}$} \\ \midrule
1 & 16.128 & +8.872 & 16.128 & 1.402 & 1.373 & -146.6 & -137.6 \\
2 & 3.442 & -2.509 & 3.442 & 0.299 & 0.343 & 133.2 & 152.4 \\
3 & 1.826 & -0.363 & 1.826 & 0.159 & 0.119 & 168.5 & -161.1 \\
4 & 0.993 & -0.429 & 0.993 & 0.086 & 0.08 & 25.6 & 90 \\ \midrule
5 & 1.29 & +0.099 & 1.29 & 0.112 & 0.097 & -175.6 & -114.7 \\
6 & 0.483 & -0.183 & 0.483 & 0.042 & 0.063 & 22.3 & 122.5 \\
7 & 0.766 & -0.475 & 0.766 & 0.067 & 0.039 & 141.6 & -122 \\
8 & 0.624 & +0.365 & 0.624 & 0.054 & 0.04 & -35.7 & 90 \\ \midrule
9 & 0.641 & -0.466 & 0.641 & 0.056 & 0.045 & 133.3 & -106.3 \\
10 & 0.45 & +0.421 & 0.45 & 0.039 & 0.034 & -69.4 & 110.9 \\
11 & 0.598 & -0.597 & 0.598 & 0.052 & 0.025 & 92.3 & -109.3 \\ \bottomrule
\caption{Table Title}