% This template is done by Maram Alzahrani.
% You can edit this template and add or remove commands to suit your needs as you prepare your thesis.
% usage instructions:
% To compile locally, please use - PdfLatex.
% To print bibilography list locally, please check build in biber
% removing any packages may lead to get error, be cautious.
% Since the babel package has added, do not insert the polyglossia package since this will cause an issue.
% subcaptions package has added, avoid insert subfig package.
% In this tempelet the apa style has been used, you can substitute it with another style, such IEEE, by changing the apa style in the bibtex package to IEEE.
%===========SET DOCUMENT===============
\input{packages/Packages} % include essiatial package [you can add further packages, !Do not remove any current package!]
\input{profile} % this file include the information of user such name, title of thesis and names of supervisors...[add your own information]
\input{symbols} % include list of symbols and abberviations [add your own list]
\addbibresource{ref.bib} %include entire used references, in format bibtex[add your own references inside the file, ! Do not remove file !]
%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%--------- insert cover page -------
\pagenumbering{roman} % start numbering below pages with roman style
%--------- إضافة صفحة البسملة (ملف بدي اف) -------
%--------- insert approval page -------
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}{Examination Committee Approval}} % Add the approval page to the table of contents
%--------- insert dedication page -------
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries Dedication} % Add the dedication page to the table of contents
%--------- insert Acknowledgement page ------
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries Acknowledgement} % Add the Acknowledgement page to the table of contents
%--------- insert Abstract page -------
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries Abstract} % Add the Abstract page to the table of contents
%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%------- insert table of contants ---------
{\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries Table of Contents}
%------- insert list of tables/figures ---------
% List of figures (if you have figures)
{\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries List of Figures}
\listoffigures} % Add list of figures to the table of contents
% List of tables (if you have tables)
{\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries List of Tables}
\listoftables} % Add list of tables to the table of contents
%------- insert list of symbols and abbreviations ---------
% List of symbols
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries List of Symbols} % Add list of symbols to the table of contents
\printglossary[title= \titlecap{list of symbols}]
% List of abbreviations (if you use acronyms)
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\bfseries List of Abbreviations} % Add list of abbreviations to the table of contents
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title= \titlecap{list of abbreviations}]
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%------- insert chapters files ---------
\pagenumbering{arabic} % start numbering chapters pages with arabic style.
%\setcounter{page}{0} % reset numbering of page
%%% [you can add more chapters via \
%%% inclde{}/ or remove unseeary %%% chapters via delete or add before command %]
%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%------- insert list of references ---------
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of References} % Add list of references to the table of contents
\addto{\captionsenglish}{\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}} % change heading of references into list of references [you can change into another heading]
\printbibliography[title = List of References] % [you can change into another heading]
%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%------- insert appendix files ---------
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix}% Add Appendix to the table of contents
\include{Appendices/AppendixA} % return appedix chapter[you can add more appendix/ or remove if you don need]