University of Hyderabad Presentation Template
Ajit Kumar Sahoo and Siba Kumar Udgata
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A Beamer template for academic presentation of University of Hyderabad
%%%%%% Ajit Kumar Sahoo, School of Computer and Information Sciences,
%%%%%% University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India-500046
%%%%%% Email:
\hypersetup{pdfpagemode=FullScreen} %full screen mode
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\usepackage[english]{babel} %designed for typesetting lebels(addr lebel,sticky lebels,etc)
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %Accept different input encodings
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %for font encoding
\usepackage{times} % use times font instead of default
\usepackage{curves} %for drawing curves
\usepackage{verbatim} %paragraph making environment
\usepackage{multimedia} %for multimedia like animation,movie etc...
\usepackage{mathptmx} % font style
\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables
\setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] % For numbering figures
\mode<presentation> {
% The Beamer class comes with a number of default slide themes
% which change the colors and layouts of slides. Below this is a list
% of all the themes, uncomment each in turn to see what they look like.
% As well as themes, the Beamer class has a number of color themes
% for any slide theme. Uncomment each of these in turn to see how it
% changes the colors of your current slide theme.
%\usecolortheme{beaver}%this one also
%\usecolortheme{crane} % also use this one
\usecolortheme{whale} % Best one
%\usecolortheme{wolverine} %use can use this also
%\setbeamertemplate{footline} % To remove the footer line in all slides uncomment this line
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number] % To replace the footer line in all slides with a simple slide count uncomment this line
%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % To remove the navigation symbols from the bottom of all slides uncomment this line
\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]
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% (\insertcontinuationcount/\arabic{cont})%
\title[WiFi sensing]{Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title } % The short title appears at the bottom of every slide, the full title is only on the title page
%\author[AKS]{Ajit Kumar Sahoo \texorpdfstring{\scriptsize Regd No: 16MCPC03}{}}
\author[AKS]{\texorpdfstring{Name\newline{\small Regd No:}}{Author}}
\institute[UoH] % Your institution as it will appear on the bottom of every slide, may be shorthand to save space
{\small Supervisor}\\
{\normalsize Name}\\
School of Computer and Information Sciences\\
University of Hyderabad% Your institution for the title page
%\textit{} % Your email address
%This will place the image at position "30 right/left and 120 up/down" relative to the top left corner of the current page.
\date{\today} % Date, can be changed to a custom date
\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide
% \tableofcontents[pausesections,shaded]
\frametitle{Current Section}
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\begin{figure} %htbp! %
\includegraphics[trim=0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm,clip,width=0.5\textwidth]{images/figure1.jpg}
\caption{Block diagram IoT Edge layer }
\subsection{Research Gaps}
\frametitle{Research Gaps}
\section{Background and Literature Survey}
\frametitle{Background and Literature Survey}
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\item statement 4
y = Hx + n
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\item statement 4\footnotemark.
\footnotetext[1]{\textit{A. K. Sahoo, V. Kompally and S. K. Udgata, "Wi-Fi Sensing based Real-Time Activity Detection in Smart Home Environment," 2023 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 1-3.}}
\REQUIRE input data
\ENSURE output data
\FOR{$j=1$ to $N$}
\STATE Statement
\caption{pseudocode for algorithms}
This is a definition.
This is a theorem.
This is a proof idea.
\begin{block}{Standard Block}
This is a standard block.
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Message}
This block presents alert message.
\begin{exampleblock}{An example of typesetting tool}
Example: MS Word, \LaTeX{}
This is a proof.
This is a corollary
This is an example
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\item statement 4
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\item statement 4
\section{Conclusion and future work}
\frametitle{Conclusions and future work}
\item statement 1
\item statement 2
\item statement 3
\item statement 4
%\section{Information processing issues}
%\frametitle{Information processing issues}
%\item In collaborative processing
%\item Target detection, localization, communication, storage, querying...
%\item In networking
%\item aggregation, routing, Data naming,...
%\begin{frame}[fragile] % Need to use the fragile option when verbatim is used in the slide
%An example of the \verb|\cite| command to cite within the presentation:\\~
%Citation \cite{Souza} requires .
\begin{frame} [allowframebreaks]
\Huge{\centerline{Thank You}}