University of Bristol (Master's Thesis) Template
Qingyu Zhang
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
University of Bristol (Master's Thesis) Template for the school of engineering
University of Bristol (Master's Thesis) Template for the school of engineering
% Author: Qingyu Zhang
% Email: or
% Guideline of Msc thesis at school of engineering
% The thesis length is required to be a minimum of 20 A4 pages and maximum length of 30 A4 pages. You must use 11 point font, 2cm margins and 1.2 line spacing.
\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=black, anchorcolor=black, citecolor=black]{hyperref}
% Use import to add tex files
% Set the figure and tables caption
\renewcommand {\thefigure} {\thesection{}.\arabic{figure}}
\renewcommand {\thetable} {\thesection{}.\arabic{table}}
% coding
% Error fix
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Seting figure view %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \captionsetup[figure]{labelfont={bf},labelformat={default},labelsep=period,name={Figure.},singlelinecheck=on} %bf Bolded
% \captionsetup[table]{labelfont={bf},labelformat={default},labelsep=period,name={Table.}, singlelinecheck=on} %bf Bolded
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the title page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the frontmatter page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Table of Contents
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\addtocontents{toc}{\par\nobreak \mbox{}\hfill{\bf Page}\par\nobreak}
% listoftables
\addtocontents{lot}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape Table} \hfill Page}\par\nobreak}
% listoffigures
\addtocontents{lof}{\par\nobreak\textbf{{\scshape Figure} \hfill Page}\par\nobreak}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% main chapter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% new the page number
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% appendix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% biblio %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%