% This is version 2022 for the NuSTRAP Group thesis template. (2022-01-26)
% The basic structure is essentially the same with the previous versions.
% Some changes and corrections in the source code have been incorporated:
% - font size is set to 11 points
% - changed the default main font (Google Roboto Slab is the new one)
% - improved the blank page use
% - separated title page, dedications etc from the main body text; different page numbering
% People using this have to maintain his top-level comment in the source code,
% as well as preserving the page with the NuSTRAP logo and credit in the final
% pdf file (that is, keep the file thesis_02_nustrap.tex active
% Comments / suggestions, please send to: tmertzi@phys.uoa.gr
% package to activate greek language - the sequence languages appear below is IMPORTANT!!!
% package to handle graphics
% package to handle multiple figures in a minipage
% package to extend math capabilities
%package to activate XeTeX font manager
\geometry{a4paper, textwidth=160mm, textheight=220mm, marginparsep=4mm, marginparwidth=8mm}
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} % converts LaTeX specials (``quotes'' --- dashes etc.) to unicode
%\setromanfont [Ligatures={Common}, BoldFont={GFS Artemisia Bold}, ItalicFont={Gentium Italic}]{Gentium}
\setmainfont{Roboto Slab}
\newcommand{\amper}{{\fontspec[Scale=.95]{Roboto Slab Italic}\selectfont\itshape\&}}
% package to handle line spacing
% level of expansion in Table of Contents
\usepackage[driverfallback=dvipdfmx, bookmarksopen, colorlinks, breaklinks, pdftitle={Theo J. Mertzimekis - A thesis template for NuSTRAP group students},pdfauthor={tmertzi}]{hyperref}
% package for fancy style headers and footers
% redefine bullet symbols and section style
% change captions especially for greek language - if the document is in ENGLISH, they should vanish
\renewcommand\listfigurename{Κατάλογος Σχημάτων}%
\renewcommand\listtablename{Κατάλογος Πινάκων}%
\renewcommand\alsoname{βλέπε επίσης}%
%%%%%%%%% END OF PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%
\setlanguage{greek} %% this is to activate greek hyphenation
% make title out of \author, \title, \date specified in the preamble
% This is only meant to include the NuSTRAP group logo in a separate page.
% Remove it if not interested.
% include the abstract, written in a separate file called thesis_abstract.tex
% Create table of contents - not mandatory
% Create a list of figures - not mandatory
% include files with content. Changes the names according to your taste.
\chapter{Βιβλιογραφική Ανασκόπηση}
\chapter{Πειραματική Διαδικασία}
\chapter{Αποτελέσματα και Ανάλυση}
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % bibliography style is alpha: eg. [Mer02]
\bibliography{thesis_biblio} % this is the .bib file that holds the bibliography records
\chapter{Το λογισμικό}
\chapter{Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα}