Flávio Garcia Praciano e Bruno Justino G. Praciano
Last Updated
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template dissertação mestrado profissional UNB em ingles.
Template dissertação mestrado profissional UNB em ingles.
% packages
% Partial compilations: with the command below, select only the chapters
% you want to compile. For example, see what happens if you uncomment the
% line below:
% \includeonly{resumos}
% main document %
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % numbering of sections up to level 3
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} % numbering of sections in the table of contents up to level 2
% Commands to create the cover and subscriptions page.
% Command to create the catalog card
% Command to create the dedication page
% Command to create the thank you page
% \setcounter{page}{6}
% Content lists, figures and tables. %
% List of symbols. %
% main body %
\setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{arabic} \pagestyle{plain}
% Include dissertation chapters here
% etc
% references
\bibliographystyle{config/abntex2/abntex2-num} % use this style for numeric ABNT
% \bibliographystyle{unsrtnat}
%\bibliographystyle{config/abntex2/abntex2-alf} % use este estilo para ABNT numérico
% Attachments %
\makeatletter % não retirar estes comandos
{\parindent \z@ \raggedleft \setfontarial\bfseries
\LARGE \thechapter. \space\space
\vskip 40\p@