%% Author style for Mathematics of Operations Research (moor)
%% Mirko Janc, Ph.D., INFORMS, pubtech@informs.org
%% ver. 0.9, March 2005
\documentclass[moor]{informs1} % for a regular run
%\documentclass[moor,nonblindrev]{informs1} % for review, not blinded
%\documentclass[moor,blindrev]{informs1} % for review, blinded
%\documentclass[moor,copyedit]{informs1} % spaced for copyediting
% If hyperref is used, dvi-to-ps driver of choice must be declared as
% an additional option to the \documentstyle. For example
%\documentclass[dvips,moor]{informs1} % if dvips is used
%\documentclass[dvipsone,moor]{informs1} % if dvipsone is used, etc.
% Private macros here (check that there is no clash with the style)
% Natbib setup for numeric style
\def\newblock{\ }%
\bibpunct[, ]{[}{]}{,}{n}{}{,}%
%% Hyperref setup
\def\EMAIL#1{\href{mailto:#1}{#1}}% When hyperref is used, otherwise outcomment
\def\URL#1{\href{#1}{#1}} % When hyperref is used, otherwise outcomment
%% Setup of theorem styles. Outcomment only one.
%% Preferred default is the first option.
\TheoremsNumberedThrough % Preferred (Theorem 1, Lemma 1, Theorem 2)
%\TheoremsNumberedByChapter % (Theorem 1.1, Lema 1.1, Theorem 1.2)
%% Setup of the equation numbering system. Outcomment only one.
%% Preferred default is the first option.
\EquationsNumberedThrough % Default: (1), (2), ...
%\EquationsNumberedBySection % (1.1), (1.2), ...
% In the reviewing and copyediting stage enter the manuscript number.
%\MANUSCRIPTNO{} % When the article is logged in and DOI assigned to it,
% this manuscript number is no longer necessary
% Outcomment only when entries are known. Otherwise leave as is and
% default values will be used.
%\MONTH{Xxxxx}% (month or a similar seasonal id)
%\YEAR{0000}% e.g., 2005
%\SHORTYEAR{00}% shortened year (two-digit)
%\ISSUE{0000} %
% Author's names for the running heads
% Sample depending on the number of authors;
% \RUNAUTHOR{Jones and Wilson}
% \RUNAUTHOR{Jones, Miller, and Wilson}
% \RUNAUTHOR{Jones et al.} % for four or more authors
% Enter authors following the given pattern:
% Title or shortened title suitable for running heads. Sample:
% \RUNTITLE{Bundling Information Goods of Decreasing Value}
% Enter the (shortened) title:
% Full title. Sample:
% \TITLE{Bundling Information Goods of Decreasing Value}
% Enter the full title:
% Block of authors and their affiliations starts here:
% NOTE: Authors with same affiliation, if the order of authors allows,
% should be entered in ONE field, separated by a comma.
% \EMAIL field can be repeated if more than one author
\AFF{Author1 affiliation, \EMAIL{}, \URL{}}
\AFF{Author2 affiliation, \EMAIL{}, \URL{}}
% Enter all authors
} % end of the block
Text of your abstract % Enter your abstract
% Sample
%\KEYWORDS{deterministic inventory theory; infinite linear programming duality;
% existence of optimal policies; semi-Markov decision process; cyclic schedule}
%\MSCCLASS{Primary: 90B05; secondary: 90C40, 90C90}
%\ORMSCLASS{Primary: Inventory/production: deterministic multi-item;
% secondary: dynamic programming/optimal control: deterministic
% semi-Markov; programming: infinite dimensional}
%\HISTORY{Received November 20, 2003; revised March 8, 2004, and March 26, 2004.}
% Fill in data. If unknown, outcomment the field
\ORMSCLASS{Primary: ; secondary: }
% Samples of sectioning (and labeling) in MOOR.
% NOTE: (1) all section levels end with a period,
% (2) capitalization is as shown (sentence style, not title style).
%\section{Introduction.}\label{intro} %%1.
%\subsection{Duality and the classical EOQ problem.}\label{class-EOQ} %% 1.1.
%\subsection{Outline.}\label{outline1} %% 1.2.
%\subsubsection{Cyclic schedules for the general deterministic SMDP.}
% \label{cyclic-schedules} %% 1.2.1
%\section{Problem description.}\label{problemdescription} %% 2.
% Text of your paper here
% Appendix here
% Options are (1) APPENDIX (with or without general title) or
% (2) APPENDICES (if it has more than one unrelated sections)
% Outcomment the appropriate case if necessary
% \begin{APPENDIX}{<Title of the Appendix>}
% \end{APPENDIX}
% or
% \begin{APPENDICES}
% \section{<Title of Section A>}
% \section{<Title of Section B>}
% etc
% Acknowledgments here
% Enter the text of acknowledgments here
% References here (outcomment the appropriate case)
% CASE 1: BiBTeX used to constantly update the references
% (while the paper is being written).
%\bibliographystyle{informs2014} % outcomment this and next line in Case 1
%\bibliography{<your bib file(s)>} % if more than one, comma separated
% CASE 2: BiBTeX used to generate mypaper.bbl (to be further fine tuned)
%\input{mypaper.bbl} % outcomment this line in Case 2