Taif University Exam Template
Faisal Al-Malki
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A LaTeX template for typing exams using exam
A LaTeX template for typing exams using exam
%\documentclass[12pt,addpoints,answers]{exam} % To print with answers
\firstpageheader{Name:} { } {Numerical Analysis}
\firstpagefooter{}{Final Exam, Page \thepage\ of \numpages}
\runningheader{Name:} { } {Numerical Analysis}
\runningfooter{}{Final Exam, Page \thepage\ of \numpages}
%%%%% Cover page
\coverfirstpageheader{Taif University \\ Department of Mathematics \\ \& Statistics}{\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{logo11.jpg}}{Numerical Methods \\ Final Exam \\ Time: 3 Hours}
\pointsinmargin % To print points in margin
\boxedpoints % or \bracketedpoints
Name:\enspace\hrulefill & University ID:\enspace\hrulefill
\item Make sure to write your name and ID in the first page and every page thereafter.
\item The question booklet consists of \textbf{\totalnumpages \:
pages}. Make sure you have all of them.
\item Keep quite during the exam. For assistance, raise your hand and an invigilator will come to see you
\item Answer the questions in the spaces provided after each question. If you run out of room for an answer,
continue on the back of the page.
\item The mark of each question is printed next to it.
\item Keep in mind that possession or use of mobile phones or any other unauthorized electronic devices in the exam room is strictly prohibited.
\item Make sure you read and sign the \textbf{Declaration Of Academic Integrity} shown below.
% Or use \gradetable[v][questions]
% optional: Uncomment the following if you want
\textbf{\underline{Declaration of Academic Integrity} \\
By signing below, I pledge that the answers of this exam are my own work without the assistance of others or the usage of unauthorized material or information. \\
\dotfill\hfill }}}}} \\
\question Answer the following
\item Choose the correct answer of the following
\part[1] If $x = 2$ and $y = 5 $, then $x+y$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 2$
\CorrectChoice $\displaystyle 7$
\choice $\displaystyle 21$
\choice $\displaystyle 1$
\part[1] If $x = 12$ and $y = 5 $, then $x+y$ \\
\CorrectChoice $\displaystyle 17$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 7$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 21$ \\
\choice $\displaystyle 1$
\part[2] Who invented the pencil
\choice Me
\choice You
\choice They
\choice Him
\CorrectChoice Socrates
\part[2] If $f(x) = \sin(x)$, then $f'(x) = $\fillin.
\part True or False
\part[2] \tf[T] The world is all that is the case.
\part[1] \tf[F] My favorite color is blue.
\question Let $\displaystyle f(x) = \sin(x) + x^2$
\part[4] Compute $\displaystyle \frac{df}{dx} $.\\
%%%% To add solutions, add the following and uncomment the seconed line
%%%% in the document \documentclass[12pt,addpoints,answers]{exam} % To print with answers
$f'(x) = \cos(x) + 2 x $
\part[5] Compute $\displaystyle\int_0^1 f(x) \, dx$.\\
Describe the effect of error propagation on numerical results.\\
What do you do with $f(x) = x$?
Is your answer different if $f(x) = \tan(x)$?
In no more than one paragraph, explain why the earth is round.
\question Answer the following
\part[1] \label{eqn1}
find $f(2.25)$.
Approximate $f'(0)$.
Approximate $\displaystyle \int_{1}^{5} f(x) \: \text{dx}$.
\part[5] Redo questions \eqref{eqn1}, \eqref{eqn2} and \eqref{eqn3} with $f(1) = 4$ and $f(2) = 5$.
Hope you all the best! \\
Dr. X Y Z, \quad \quad
Dr. M N T}}}
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