Last Updated
9 месяцев назад
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
This template is especially for SMU postgraduate students. Hope this can be a resume reference for you.
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%tabularx environment
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%CV Sections inspired by:
%for publications
\usepackage[style=authoryear,sorting=ynt, maxbibnames=2]{biblatex}
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\usepackage[unicode, draft=false]{hyperref}
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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} C @{}}
\Huge{first\_name surname} \\[6pt]
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} C @{} C @{} C}
{{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faEnvelope} first\}}
{{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faMobile} +65 1234 5678}}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{}}
\textbf{SINGAPORE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY} \hfill \textbf{Aug 2022 - Aug 2023} \\[4pt]
\textbf{Master of Science in Quantitative Finance}\\[4pt]
\textbf{NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE} \hfill \textbf{Aug 2015 - Jul 2019}\\[4pt]
\textbf{Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering} (Major in Construction Management)[optional]\\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep, after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Honors/Academic recognition(Cum Laude, First Class honors)[optional]
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{CURRENT/LATEST EMPLOYER NAME}-Singapore \hfill \textbf{Apr 2021 - present} \\[4pt]
[Optional if needed] Company descriptor here in italics to describe unfamiliar companies - keep to 1 line \\[4pt]
\textbf{Position Title 3} (Sep 2022 - present) \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Start with a current tense verb, describe one activity - Include specific actions and measurable results
\item Use a variety of different verbs at the beginning of bullets to avoid repetition (see list of action verbs). Stay away from weak action verbs such as Responsible for… or Assisted with…
\item Be specific when discussing how many people you have managed, how much money for which you were responsible, percent of sales gained or savings gained by process improvements
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{Position Title 2} (Apr 2021 - Aug 2022) \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Money is denoted: \$1K, \$1M, \$1B
\item Showcase your transferable skills/strengths from former positions that are most relevant to a position and/or industry you are looking to pursue
\item Do not use technical jargon nor focus on technical accomplishments – focus on the business implications of projects (leadership, team building, project management, problem solving)
\item SMU “campus” resumes must be limited to 1 page
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{PREVIOUS EMPLOYER NAME} - Location [Employer locations ouside of Singapore use city, country] \hfill \textbf{Sep 2019 - Mar 2021} \\[4pt]
\textbf{Position Title 1} \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Start with a past tense verb, describe one activity - Include specific actions and measurable results
\item Use a variety of different verbs at the beginning of bullets to avoid repetition (see list of action verbs). Stay away from weak action verbs such as Responsible for… or Assisted with…
\item Be specific when discussing how many people you have managed, how much money for which you were responsible, percent of sales gained or savings gained by process improvements
\section{\textbf{ACADEMIC PROJECTS}}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{\href{}{Prjoect Title}} \\[4pt]
\textbf{Mmm/Year} \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Description of work done in project (similar to how you would describe your work experience)
\item Include the programming language, methodologie/s, technical tools/ techniques etc
\item Aim to have about 2 technical projects in this section, take note of space constraints (maintain a 1 page resume)
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{\href{}{NAME OF ASSOCIATION}} \\[4pt]
\textbf{Mmm/Year} \\[4pt]
\textbf{Position title} \\[4pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Description of work done in the association (similar to how you would describe your work experience)
\item State notable achievements (maintain a 1 page resume)
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=1em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Certifications: Professional cerficications (CPA, CFA); Professional association memberships, ect [optional]
\item Technical Skills: [List all that apply] R, C++, SAS, Python
\item Language Skills: English (Business Professional), Mandarin
(Native), Hindi (Native), Italian (Conversational)
\item Volunteer work: State Volunteer service or unique personal achievements (YYYY) [optional]
\item Work Authorization: [List all that apply] Singapore (Part-time Internship), China (Citizen), India (Citizen)