SINTEF Meeting Minutes
Federico Zenith
Last Updated
3 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Meeting minutes template for the research institution SINTEF
Meeting minutes template for the research institution SINTEF
\title{The \texttt{sintefminutes} Package}
\author{Federico Zenith}
\wheremeeting{Bitbucket and Overleaf}
\whenmeeting{None too soon}
\participant[information]{SINTEF employees}
\participant[information]{\LaTeX\ hackers}
\participant[present]{\LaTeX\ users}
\participant[absent]{Word users}
\item Prepare \LaTeX\ class for meeting minutes
\item Hold meeting
\item Write minutes
\item Compile
\section*{Meeting minutes}
This class allows to write meeting minutes in the SINTEF official style.
It is a subclass of \texttt{sintefdoc}, so see its documentation too.
Title, author and date are set with \LaTeX's usual commands
\verb|\title|, \verb|\author| and \verb|\date|.
Several other options are self-documenting and will default to a useful
tooltip \texttt{set with \textbackslash command}.
The author is always first in the participants list, and is marked automatically
as present.
Other participants can be added with the \verb|\participant| command, which
takes \emph{one} of the following optional arguments: \verb|present|, \verb|absent|
and \verb|information|.
For example,
\participant[present]{\LaTeX\ users}
Participants should be set in the preamble.
The task list is defined by writing the tasks with the \verb|\task| command, which
takes three arguments for task description, responsible and due date, as
\task{Learn \LaTeX}{Word users}{ASAP}
To print out the task list, use the \verb|\tasklist| command.
The task list is numbered automatically.
\task{Learn \LaTeX}{Word users}{ASAP}
\task{Check this template}{\TeX perts}{Anytime}
\task{Enjoy}{\LaTeX\ users}{From now on}