Resume Template by Krishna Priyatham Potluri
Last Updated
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Resume Template by Krishna Priyatham Potluri
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}m{0.75\textwidth} m{0\textwidth}@{}}
\large {Your Name} \newline
% \begin{align}
Your Tagline\newline
% \end{align}
\href{}{Address (comment this line if you do not wish to show)} \textbf{·} \newline
% Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh, India
\href{}{Portfolio} \textbf{·}
\href{}{Mail ID} \textbf{·}
\href{tel:link to your mobile number (whatsapp/telegram/tel link)}{Mobile}
% \href{}{Codechef}
% \textbf{·}
\href{}{Coding Profiles}
\href{https://link-to-your-video-resume (if exists)}{Video Resume}
} \newline
\item \footnotesize Your Summary.
% item 1 %
\item \textbf{Level of education\hspace{29em}(20xx-20xx)}\newline{Your School/College/University}\newline{Marks/CGPA: your marks/cgpa}
% \item \textbf{Intermediate or Diploma\hspace{25.5em}(20xx - 20xx)}\newline{Your intermediate or diploma college.}\newline{Marks/CGPA: your marks/cgpa}{}
% \item\textbf{High School\hspace{31.65em}(20xx - 20xx)}\newline{Your School.}\newline{Marks/CGPA: your marks/cgpa}{}
\item \textbf{Skills Category (ex: Languages)} \newline
{\footnotesize your skills. (ex: c, c++, etc)}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Libraries/Frameworks} \newline
% {\footnotesize Flask, Pandas, Numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, opencv}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Cloud} \newline
% {\footnotesize AWS, Azure}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Databases} \newline
% {\footnotesize MYSQL, MongoDB}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Other Skills} \newline
% {\footnotesize Data Science and Analysis, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing}
\item \textbf{Project 1}
{\footnotesize \hspace{34.5em}\href{https://Link to working Demo}{Link}}\hspace{5em}{\href{}{Github}}{}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{20em}\href{}{Link}}\hspace{5em}{\href{}{Github}}{}
% \item \textbf{3D Modelling of Revolver MG 31 DS.}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{18.5em}\href{}{Link}}\hspace{5em}{\href{}{Github}}{}
% \item \textbf{Array Manipulation in C.}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{25em}\href{}{Link}}\hspace{5em}{\href{}{Github}}{}
\csection{Significant Roles}{\small
\item \textbf{Name of your role \hspace{17.5em}Month Year – Month Year (Duration)}\newline{Location}{}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Peer Mentor \hspace{25em}MAY '21 – MAY '22 (12 M)}\newline{K L University }{}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Student Member of CSE IRP CELL \hspace{15em}OCT '20 – MAY '21 (8 M)}\newline{K L University}{}{}{}
\item \textbf{Your Employer 1 \hspace{18em}Month Year – Month Year (Duration)}\newline{Designation 1}{}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Indian Servers \hspace{25em}JUN '21 – AUG '21 (3 M)}\newline{Internship Trainee}{}{}{}
% \item \textbf{Internshala \hspace{25.5em}MAY '20 – AUG '20 (4 M)}\newline{Internshala Student Partner}{}{}{}
\csection{Global Certifications}{\small
\item \textbf{Your Global Certification 1}
{\hspace{22em}Overall Score: xxx}{}{}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \textbf{Cambridge Business English Preliminary}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{20em}Overall Score: 146}{}{}
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \textbf{AWS Certified Developer Associate}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{23.25em}Overall Score: 749}{}{}
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \textbf{Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{20em}Overall Score: 88\%}{}{}
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \textbf{Wipro TalentNext Java J2EE Certification}
% {\footnotesize \hspace{20.5em}Overall Score: 78\%}{}{}
% \end{itemize}
\item \textbf{Your Referrer 1}\newline{\footnotesize Your Referrer Designation 1. \hspace{34.5em}\href{tel:link to your referrer 1 mobile number (whatsapp/telegram/tel link)}{Contact}}{}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \textbf{Anne Venkata Praveen Krishna Sir}\newline{\footnotesize Placements Incharge, CSE, KLU.\hspace{33.25em}\href{tel:9949395595}{Contact}}{}
% \end{itemize}
\item \footnotesize I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned.