Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, assignments, letters, project reports, and more. Search or browse below.
This is a modified beamerposter template with the University of Queensland logo and colors. See:
It is forked from (which is forked from
The third version of the unofficial thesis template for Boğaziçi University social sciences institute. The template is primarily designed for linguistics students with specific needs of cross-referencing linguistic examples and drawing complex representations. This version uses biblatex for citations and references. I also added a section that hosts some examples of citations with explanations.
This thesis is based on the classic thesis template made by André Miede (, which was modified in turn by Basimao ( to fit La Trobe's guidelines are they don't provide a template. I modified it slightly further to change to margins to fit the department of physics requirements, in addition to changing the language to Australian and adding a page for acronyms. This is released under the GNU General Public License v2.0
This is LaTex PDF(PPT) template for SUSTech, you can use it to perform your presentations.
My github repo is:
This template mostly comes from Jiayi Weng, THU. His github repo is: Thank you very much!
Zhicong Sun
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