overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Template para os TCCs do IFC Camboriú

PhD Thesis template for UMONS, University of Mons

Presentation template for Master and PhD

Template de beamer #4 del Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas Versión 1

This template can be used to write thesis for IISc Graduates regardless of the degree. The images and tables are sorted automatically and writing can be sectioned to each chapter in a text file.

A thesis template for the ITMorelia for Engineering, master, and Ph.D. Formato de tesis ITMorelia para licenciatura, maestría y doctorado.

This is a template for the Applied Data Science master project within Utrecht University. This document is intended to be a style guide to a simple, but nice and fancy LaTeX thesis.

Modelo dissertação do PROFMAT-UFBA utilizando o abntex2

Modelo em LaTeX para elaboração de Monografias e Relatórios Técnicos do Laboratório de Elementos do Processamento da Informação (LabEPI/UFRN)
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