overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Template for submissions to Elsevier journals using the elsarticle.cls (v3.4c) document class. Please use and set your project's main document to one of the following, depending on the citation scheme you need: elsarticle-template-num.tex, template file for numerical citations elsarticle-template-harv.tex, template file for name-year citations elsarticle-template-num-names.tex, template file for numerical citations + new natbib option. Eg. Jones et al. [21]

Official Template for ICML 2025 call for papers See full information at https://icml.cc/Conferences/2025/CallForPapers

制作依据: 依据数学科学学院旧版 ctex 模板以及2022 年研究生手册硕士学位论文撰写格式要求进行的制作。 可能存在的问题: 在 overleaf 上编译可能出来一到五个 Warning, 是由于字体的设定导致的;如果在 Windows 环境下编译或者 Mac os 环境下进行编译,建议进行对应的修改。可以参考 https://github.com/mohuangrui/ucasthesis/issues/229 中的情况,进行适当地修改。 可以优化的地方: 英文版本目录以及空白页设置不佳; 注意: 该模版中版心的设置是根据 2022 年研究生手册硕士学位论文撰写格式要求进行的设置,目前 2017 版首都师范大学硕士论文格式要求个人只能在百度文库中找到,从论述来看,揣测为非官方文件,所以使用了学生手册中的页面要求,这与老版的 ctex 并不一致,老版 ctex 的页面设置为下 \textwidth = 14cm \textheight= 22cm \textwidth = 15 cm \textheight = 22.5 cm \oddsidemargin = 1.5cm \evensidemargin = -0.5cm

This thesis template follows the guidelines outlined for preparing graduate theses at the University of Melbourne. For detailed rules, visit: Graduate Research Thesis Preparation (https://gradresearch.unimelb.edu.au/processes/preparation-of-graduate-research-theses).

Szablon zgłoszenia na Polską Konferencję Optyczną, przygotowany przez Fundacje Candela. Szczegółowe informacje o najbliższej edycji PKO dostępne są na stronie konferencja-optyczna.pl

A template for a response letter to be used when submitting a revised manuscript or resubmitting to a journal for publication.

This is a template and guide for preparing papers for PNAS Nexus using the oup-authoring-template class file. See the pnas-nexus-authoring-template.tex file (included and used by default when opening the template) for a simple template to help you get started. The pnas-nexus-authoring-template.tex file (also included) provides instructions for using the additional features in the document class. This is not a general guide on how to use LaTeX, and nor does it replace the journal's instructions to authors.

Modelo de artigo para a Revista do Professor de Física. Template for article of "Revista do Professor de Física" (Physics Teacher Journal).

Modelo para a submissão de trabalhos da Categoria 2 do CNMAC, destinados à divulgação de pesquisas com resultados conclusivos.
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