QUB APR template
David Jess & Mark Yeung
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Annual Progress Review (APR) template for PGR students at Queen's University Belfast.
\usepackage[a4paper, tmargin=0.75in, lmargin=0.80in, rmargin=0.80in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}
\newdateformat{monthyeardate}{\monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR}
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\Huge\bfseries}{\thechapter \hspace{20pt} $|$}{20pt}{\Huge}
\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} % for a numerical citation list
%\usepackage{natbib} % to cite references by surname and year
\graphicspath{ {figures/} } % folder containing graphics
\newcommand{\studentname}{Student Name}
\newcommand{\researchcentre}{Astrophysics Research Centre}
\newcommand{\projecttitle}{Project Title}
\newcommand{\supervisorA}{Dr A. N. Other} % Primary
\newcommand{\supervisorB}{Dr S. O. Else} % Secondary
\rule{15cm}{2.5pt} \newline
\textbf{\Huge \projecttitle}
\textbf{\Large Annual Progress Review Report \\}
\textbf{\LARGE {\studentname}} \\
{\large School of Mathematics and Physics}\\
{\large Queen's University Belfast}\\
\textbf{\large Supervisor(s)}\\
\supervisorA \\
\textbf{\large \monthyeardate\today}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} %'Bibliography' into toc
Provide an abstract summarising the key information in the report. As a guide, the overall report length should be approximately 10 pages, not including cover page, table of contents or references. The layout of sections provided here is a suggested structure but can be adapted as seen fit by the student and/or supervisor. There are also examples of how to cite references, include figures and cross-reference different parts of the report.
% The section below is for general information about meeting the written requirement for APR and should be deleted if preparing a submission based on this template.
\section*{APR Report Requirements}
For the written component of their APR, students must submit either (years are based on full-time study): \\
\textbf{2nd/3rd/4th year}: A first-author manuscript submitted (or about to be submitted - must be a complete version) to a peer-reviewed journal. \\
OR \\
\textbf{3rd/4th year}: A current compilation of their (well developed) thesis. \\
OR \\
A detailed report outlining their research achievements over the last year and a plan for the immediate future ($\sim$10 pages). This template is provided for aiding with this option.\\
3rd/4th year students should also submit a thesis plan for any outstanding chapters along with a timeline for completion.
If preparing a report, students can use work they have prepared for paper drafts/conference proceedings/internal reports to minimise the time required but should ensure this reads as an up-to-date, coherent account of the status of their PhD project.
\chapter{Research Achievements}
You can summarise, in list form, your main achievements in the last year to provide an overview of your activities that you can expand on in later chapters.
\item Presented a poster titled ``My research" at the Physics Conference in Belfast on 1st Jan 2000.
\item I developed a model on ``..." that will be a key part of a publication planned for the coming year.
\item I was co-author on a paper titled ``..." (provide reference)
In this section, provide a background to the research in the form of a literature review\footnote{A literature review may not be suitable for, e.g., pure mathematics students. However, these students should still try to set the scene and explain the need for their research project, i.e., why is it novel and timely to do this research now?} with appropriate citations to relevant work.
You can add both textual and parenthetical references as appropriate --- e.g., \citet{2012PhLB..716....1A} published an article with very rapid citation rates, but is gradually becoming eclipsed from competition in recent years \citep[e.g.,][to name but a few]{2018Natur.556...43C, 2018PhRvD..98c0001T, 2019ApJ...873..111I}.
\chapter{Research to date}
In this section, please summarise the research undertaken to-date, including figures, tables, initial interpretations of results, etc.. The title can be changed to something more relevant to the work discussed and can be divided into separate sections and subsections as appropriate. A basic layout is below but can be adapted as seen fit.
Techniques employed to conduct the presented research.
\section{Results and Discussion}
\caption{Plot of $y=x$. Here $y$ represents the really important data and the trend line has been determined using method A.}
The original hypothesis is clearly/not supported by the data shown in figure \ref{fig:figure1}.
Summarise the work in this chapter and provide the key scientific conclusions.
\chapter{Research Plan}
In this section, please outline the short- and long-term goals of the research including how these will fit into a thesis framework\footnote{The descriptions of goals and deliverables can be transformed into Gantt charts where applicable}. For example, you can refer the reader to Section {\ref{sec:shorttermgoals}} for your short-term goals, and Section {\ref{sec:longtermgoals}} for your long-term goals.
\section{Short-term Goals}
My immediate short-term goals are outlined below.
\item Short-term goal 1.
\item Short-term goal 2.
\item Short-term goal 3.
\section{Long-term Goals}
The project's long-term goals are outlined below.
\item Long-term goal 1.
\item Long-term goal 2.
\item Long-term goal 3.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} %'Bibliography' into toc