Presentation Template for BITS (Hyderabad Campus)
Aritra Mukherjee
Last Updated
год назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A presentation template for BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
A presentation template for BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
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\setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{bg=red,fg=white}
\setbeamercolor{block body alerted}{bg=red!15,fg=red}
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% For a two line title the values below should be (2,-125)
% For a three line title the values below should be (2,-145)
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% For a two line title the values below should be (2,-140)
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\author[a.mukherjee]{Aritra Mukherjee}
\title{Presentation Template for BITS\\(Hyderabad Campus)}
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\institute{Dept of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus}
\section{Section 1}
\begin{frame}{This is frame 1}
\section{Section 2}
\begin{frame}{This is frame 2}
\begin{block}{This is a block}
Here goes some text
\begin{alertblock}{This is a alert block}
Here goes some text
\begin{examples}{This is a examples}
Here goes some text