PKU beamer template
Kai Gao
Last Updated:
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple beamer template with PKU red color.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% use the Madrid beamer theme
\mode<presentation> {
% remove scheme=palin if you want date shown as English style
% Times new Roman font
% define pku red color
% set pku red color for title and frame title
% set title font to bold
% set frame title font size and weight
% show header
% set header bar background color
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{fg=white, bg=pkured}
% remove frame title background color
\setbeamercolor*{frametitle}{fg=pkured, bg=white}
% set three-part foot line
\leavevmode% horizontally put three beamercolorboxes
% author institute box,
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.2\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{section in head/foot}%
\usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}\insertshortauthor~~\beamer@ifempty{\insertshortinstitute}{}{(\insertshortinstitute)}
%short title box
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.55\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{section in head/foot}%
\usebeamerfont{title in head/foot}\insertshorttitle
% date and page number box
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.25\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,right]{section in head/foot}%
\usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\insertshortdate{}\hspace*{3.5em}
\insertframenumber{} / \inserttotalframenumber\hspace*{2ex}
\begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}
% set toc font and item color
\setbeamerfont{section in toc}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=pkured}
\setbeamercolor{section number projected}{bg=pkured,fg=white}
% set itemize style
\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=pkured}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subitem}{fg=pkured}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subsubitem}{fg=pkured}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[square]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[circle]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}[triangle]
% set enumerate style
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{bg=pkured}
% shorten the width of frame title to show logo
% \raisebox{-0.5ex}{\includegraphics[height=0.8cm]{example-logo}}
% put logo on the right corner
% [] used in the footer, {} used in the title
\title[PKU Beamer Template]
{A Simple Beamer Template with PKU Red Colors}
Peking University
% plain: remove all header and footer in this page
% show pku logo in the upper center of title page
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\begin{frame}{Small Frame Title}
\section{Related Work}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}