Tejas Khairnar
Last Updated
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Off Campus Resume template for college students.
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Tejas Khairnar
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\newcommand{\name}{Student's Name} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{B.Tech -Computer Science and Engineering} % Your Course
\newcommand{\roll}{xxxxxxxx} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{xxxxxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{} %Email 1
\newcommand{\github}{xxxxxxxxxx} %Github
\newcommand{\website}{} %Website
\newcommand{\linkedin}{xxxxxxxxx} %linkedin
\small{\href{\github}{\faGithub \hspace{0.2mm}} | \href{\linkedin/}{\faLinkedinSquare \hspace{0.2mm}} | \href{mailto:\emaila}{\faSend \hspace{0.2mm} \emaila} | \faPhone \hspace{0.2mm} +91-\phone }
{Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India}
{Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering}
{Jul 2018 - Jun 2022} %Event Dates
{GPA: x.xx/10.0} %Website
{Company 1 - Team}
{Title, Internship}
{May 2022 - Aug 2022}
{City, India}
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 1.
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 2.
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 3.
{Company 2 - Team}
{Title, Internship}
{May 2022 - Aug 2022}
{City, India}
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 1.
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 2.
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 3,
\item[$\bullet$] Work done list 4.
{Project 1}
{Prof. XYZ, IIT Guwahati} %Project Name, Location Name
{Jul 2020 - Nov 2020} %Event Dates
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 1
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 2
{Project 2} %Project Name
{Coding Club, IIT Guwahati} %Project Name, Location Name
{Apr 2020 - Jul 2020} %Event Dates
{\href{}{}} %Website
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 1
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 2
{Project 3} %Project Name
{Students' Web Committee, IIT Guwahati} %Project Name, Location Name
{Jan 2020 - Apr 2020} %Event Dates
{\href{}{}} %Website
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 1
\item[$\bullet$] Project Description 2
{Other Projects}{}{}{}
\item[$\bullet$] \textbf{Project 4 \raisebox{-0.3mm}{\href{}{\footnotesize\faExternalLink}} :} Project Description
\item[$\bullet$] \textbf{Project 5 \raisebox{-0.3mm}{\href{}{\footnotesize\faExternalLink}} :} Project Description
\small{\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}[t]{p{0.22\textwidth} p{0.68\textwidth}@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 1}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 2}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 3}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 4}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 5}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 6}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 7}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 8}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 9}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 10}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 11}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 12}{Description}{2022}
\resumeAchieve{Achivement 13}{Description}{2022}
\section{Technical Skills}
\small{\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}[t]{p{0.5\textwidth} p{0.5\textwidth}}
\hspace{-3.1mm}{\textbf{ Programming languages:} C++, C, Python, C\#, Java} & {\textbf{Web Technologies:} HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript} \\
\hspace{-3.1mm}{\textbf{ ML/AI:} Pytorch, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib} & {\textbf{Miscellaneous:} MySQL, AWS, Git, Shell, Latex, Unity}
\section{Relevant Coursework}
\hspace{-3.1mm}\textbf{ Computer Science: }{Deep Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, Operating Systems, Computer Networks}\\
\hspace{-3.1mm}\textbf{ Mathematics: }{Optimization, Discrete Maths, Probability and Random Processes, Number Theory, Linear Algebra}
\section{Positions of Responsibility}
\resumePOR{\textbf{Title, Organization 1}} % Position
{Work done}{\raisebox{0.75pt}{2021 - 2022}}
\resumePOR{\textbf{Title, Organization 2}}
{Work done}
{\raisebox{0.75pt}{2018 - 2019}}