NC State University Dissertation Template (January 2019)
James Russell
Last Updated
6 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This template works for submission of Dissertations to the NCSU graduate school as of January 2019.
This template works for submission of Dissertations to the NCSU graduate school as of January 2019.
\documentclass[12pt, % font size: 11pt or 12pt
phd, % degree: ms or phd
onehalfspacing % spacing: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
%%------------------------------ Import Packages -----------------------------%%
\usepackage{booktabs} % professionally typeset tables
\usepackage{textcomp} % better copyright sign, among other things
\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text
%\usepackage{subfig} % composite figures
\usepackage{natbib} % ability to use citet,citep
%\usepackage{fancyhdr} % creates headers
%Citations should be of the form ``author year'' not ``author, year''
\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{}{,} % changes apalike bst into AMS format
%%---------------------------- Formatting Options ----------------------------%%
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% Disposition format -- any titles, headings, section titles
%% These formatting commands affect all headings, titles, headings,
%% so sizing commands should not be used here.
%% Formatting options to consider are
%% + \sffamily - sans serif fonts. Dispositions are often typeset in
%% sans serif, so this is a good option.
%% + \rmfamily - serif fonts
%% + \bfseries - bold face
%\dispositionformat{\sffamily\bfseries} % bold and sans serif
\dispositionformat{\bfseries} % bold and serif
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% Formatting for centered headings - Abstract, Dedication, etc. headings
%% This is where one might put a sizing command.
%% \MakeUppercase can be used to typeset all headings in uppercase.
\headingformat{\large\MakeUppercase} % All letters uppercase
%\headingformat{\large} % Not all uppercase
%\headingformat{\Large\scshape} % Small Caps, used with serif fonts.
%% Typographers recommend using a normal inter-word space after
%% sentences. TeX's default is to add an wider space, but \frenchspacing
%% gives a normal spacing. Comment out the following line if you prefer wider spaces between sentences.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% Optional packages
%% A number of compatible packages to improve the look and feel of
%% your document are available in the file optional.tex
%% (For example, hyperlinks, fancy chapter headings, and fonts)
%% To use these options, uncomment the next line and see optional.tex
%solve bug from fancyhdr in optional
\setlength{\headheight}{26.94345pt} % corrected error in Overleaf
\fancyhead[L]{\vspace{1mm}} % only puts chapter title in headers
%%---------------------------- Content Options -------------------------------%%
%% Size of committee: 3, 4, 5, or 6 -- this number includes the chair
%% Members of committee
%% Each of the following member commands takes an optional argument
%% to specify their role on the committee.
%% For co-chairs, use the commands:
%% \cochairI{Doug Dodd}
%% \cochairII{Chris Cox}
\chair{Chair first and last name}
\memberI{Member 1 name}
\memberII{Member 2 name}
\memberIII{Member 3 name} % unnecessary if committeesize=3
\memberIV{Member 4 name} % unnecessary if committeesize=3, 4
%% Student writing thesis, \student{First Middle}{Last}
\student{First name and Middle names}{Last Name} % a full middle name
%% Degree program e.g. Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Science
\program{program name}
%%!!!!!! To Change Year !!!!!!%%
% If year of graduation is not same as current year (common for December graduates
% thanks to the Grad Schools odd graduation rules) go into ncsuthesis.cls and change
% \the\year in the line:
% \newcommand{\ncsu@year}{\the\year}
% to the year of graduation. E.g.:
% \newcommand{\ncsu@year}{2020}
%% Thesis Title
%% Keep in mind, according to ETD guidelines:
%% + Capitalize first letter of important words.
%% + Use inverted pyramid shape if title spans more than one line.
%% Note: To break the title onto multiple lines, use \break instead of \\.
%\thesistitle{A North Carolina State University Sample \LaTeX{} Thesis \break
%with a Title So Long it Needs a Line Break}
\thesistitle{Dissertation title}
%% Degree year. Necessary if your degree year doesn't equal the current year.
%% While your here make sure to change the PDF characteristics in optional.tex!!!
%%---------------------------- Personal Macros -------------------------------%%
%% A central location to add your favorite macros.
%% A few examples to get you started.
% Chapters can remove or add
%% Bibliography
%% or use BibTeX
% Appendices
%\newgeometry{margin=1in,lmargin=1.25in,footskip=\chapterfootskip, includehead, includefoot}
% Can remove or add