Master thesis LaTeX template for Kyushu University Science Faculty
Harunobu Takeda
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX Template for the bachelor and master thesis of Kyushu University Science Faculty.
LaTeX Template for the bachelor and master thesis of Kyushu University Science Faculty.
\usepackage[noto-otc,unicode]{pxchfon}%noto serif和文書書体の呼び出し
%\syntaxonly %%%%%文法チェックコマンド
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 論文題目 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\engtitle{Type english title in this brankets. 18pt}
\title{日本語タイトルを記入. 16pt}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 修 論 生 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 所 属 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 日 付 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%% 特定の章をコンパイルする時はこれを使う %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%% TEXT START %%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 要 旨 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 目 次 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 第一章:序論 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% 第二章: %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% 第三章: %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% 第四章: %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% 第五章: %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 謝辞 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 参考文献 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%% 付 録 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 索 引 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%