% Change the PhD option to ME, MPhil, MTech, PGDip, or PhD if appropriate
% Sample file for Massey University theses (using muthesis)
% Use this as the base for your thesis, and then add the various chapters in using \include
% lines as with chapter1 below.
% Stephen Marsland, July 2009
% Based on the University of Manchester class by Graham Gough
% A set of packages that might be useful
\usepackage{url} % typeset URL's reasonably
\usepackage{listings} % for printing code listings nicely
\lstset{language=Java} % change as required
% Uncomment the next line if you want subsubsections to be numbered
% Uncomment the next line if you want subsubsections to be appear in the table of contents
% Degree is set in the class declaration at the top
% Other things to set:
\subject{Computer Science}
\campus{Palmerston North}
%% Uncomment the following lines to leave out list of figures and tables until final printing
%% Uncomment to make it singlespaced to save paper for draft printing
%% Latex will put the current year on the title page by default. If you wish to change it, modify and uncomment this line
\title{It's My Thesis\\
And I'll Cry If I Want To}
\author{Poor Forgotten Student}
I would like to thank...
% These include the actual text
% Appendices start here
% Bibliography starts here
% First: name of .bib file (e.g., refs)
% Second: style in which printed. There is no official style, but I like plainnat