LaTeX Template for the UNICORE project
Emil Slusanschi
Last Updated
6 лет назад
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Unicore template
Unicore template
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Latex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% main.tex ---
%% Filename: main.tex
%% Description:
%% Authors: Mohamed Ahmed <> @CHANGE / Emil Slusanschi <> @UNICORE
%%% Change log:
%% $Date$
%% $Revision$
%% $Id$
\documentclass[11pt, pdftex, final]{styles/change}
% Includes
% \usepackage[pdftex,
% pdfpagelabels,
% plainpages=false,
% hypertexnames=false,
% pdffitwindow=true, % page fit to window when opened
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% linkcolor=blue,
% urlcolor=blue,
% pdfauthor={CHANGE consortium},
% pdftitle={CHANGE consortium Deliverable},
% pdfproducer={Latex with hyperref},
% pdfcreator={pdflatex}
% ]{hyperref}
\usepackage{algorithm, algorithmic}
\usepackage[subfigure, titles] {tocloft}
\usepackage{fancyhdr, lastpage}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsbsy, amsthm}
%% use for a symbols table
\newglossary[slg]{symbols}{sym}{sbl}{List of Symbols}
% Replace the standard Computer Modern Typewriter font LaTeX uses for %
% monospace text with the PostScript font Adobe Courier. %
% Allow relative font size specifications (e.g. \smaller, \larger). %
\usepackage{relsize, setspace}
% Control the fonts and formatting used in the table of contents. %
% and Use Helvetica-Narrow Bold for Chapter entries %
\fontsize{11}{13}\usefont{OT1}{phv}{bc}{n}\selectfont }
% Cleveref - used to replace \ref and \autoref %
% %
% Input the latex macros%
% Start the document
% Title page
% Contents included from this file
% Make TeX less fussy about line breaking %
% End the document
%%% main.tex ends here