%This template was initially created to facilitate drafting the B.Sc. Eng. thesis or project on LaTeX for the next generations of KUET was further modified by Md Abrar Jahin (1811035). Recognizing the importance of open collaboration and the need for an alternative to the traditional B.Sc. thesis template available only in MS Word format, this initiative was taken voluntarily by Md Abrar Jahin. The modifications made by Md Abrar Jahin is hereby released under an open-source license to conserve the principles of collaboration and knowledge sharing in the academic community.
\usepackage{tgtermes} % times font
% Beamer presentation requires \usepackage{colortbl} instead of \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor}
% Define custom color for hyperlinks
\definecolor{mylinkcolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 255} % blue colored link
\definecolor{toclinkcolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 0} % Black for Table of Contents
\input{package-settings.tex} % the packages and their settings in a separate file
% Set hyperlink color globally
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some new custom commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\blanklineR}{\hfill \\} %to have blanklines
\newcommand{\HeadingR}[1]{% font size 14 and boldface for headings
%\fontsize{14}{21}{% baselinestrech 1.5, so 14*1.5=21
{\large %large equals 14pt when the document is 12pt
\newcommand{\titleR}{Write the title of your thesis here within maximum 10-14 words} %title strored as command so that I can adapt easily if any change occurs
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PDF meta-data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
pdfauthor={Md Abrar Jahin},
pdfsubject={B.Sc. Eng. Thesis},
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT STARTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Title Page} %declaring as part rather than chapter so that I can differentiate the formatting in TOC
{\fontsize{16}{12}\selectfont \textbf{Submitted By:}}\\
{\fontsize{14}{12}\selectfont \MakeUppercase{MD ABRAR JAHIN} \hspace{1.15cm} \MakeUppercase{ROLL NO. 1811035}}
{\fontsize{16}{12}\selectfont \textbf{Submitted To:}}\\
{\fontsize{14}{12}\selectfont \MakeUppercase{Supervisor's name}\\
{\fontsize{14}{12}\selectfont A thesis report submitted to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology, Khulna in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of \textbf{\textit{``Bachelor of Science in Industrial \& Production Engineering"}}}
\textbf{February 2024}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Declaration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\addtocounter{page}{1} %otherwise, this page number becomes (i)
\phantomsection \label{declar}
This is to certify that the thesis work entitled \textbf{``\titleR"} has been carried out by \textit{Md Abrar Jahin} in the Department of \textit{Industrial Engineering and Management}, Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh. The above thesis work or any part of this work has not been submitted anywhere for the award of any degree or diploma.
\textbf{SUBMITTED BY} & \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
Md Abrar Jahin & \\
Roll: 1811035 & \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
Md. Saiful Islam & External member's name \\
Assistant Professor & Designation \\
Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management & Department of Industrial Engineering and Management \\
Khulna University of Engineering \&
Technology & Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
\textbf{COUNTERSIGNED} & \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
Name of the department head & \\
Head & \\
Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management & \\
Khulna University of Engineering \&
Technology &
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Acknowledgments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\phantomsection \label{ack}
I am deeply grateful to my esteemed supervisor, \textbf{Md. Saiful Islam}, Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology. His unwavering guidance, exceptional support, and constant encouragement have been the cornerstones of my journey through this thesis. His expertise, remarkable patience, and insightful feedback have played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of this work.
[Convey gratitude here to the others who contributed to your thesis directly or passively]
Acknowledgment is also due to the faculty and staff at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology, for fostering an environment that stimulates academic exploration. The resources and support provided by this department have been instrumental in the successful completion of this thesis.
I am indebted to my family and friends for their unwavering encouragement and understanding during this challenging yet immensely rewarding academic journey.
Finally, my heartfelt appreciation goes out to all the individuals who have contributed directly or indirectly to this thesis. Their assistance and cooperation have been invaluable, shaping the collaborative spirit that defines this work.\\
\blanklineR \blanklineR
\textit{\textbf{February 2024}} \hfill \textit{\textbf{Md Abrar Jahin}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\phantomsection \label{abstr}
[Write the abstract here within 250-300 words]\\
This template was initially created to facilitate drafting the B.Sc. Eng. thesis or project on \LaTeX\ for the next generations of KUET was further modified by \textbf{Md Abrar Jahin} (1811035). Recognizing the importance of open collaboration and the need for an alternative to the traditional B.Sc. thesis template available only in MS Word format, this initiative was taken voluntarily by Md Abrar Jahin. The modifications made by Md Abrar Jahin is hereby released under an open-source license to conserve the principles of collaboration and knowledge sharing in the academic community.
\textbf{Keywords:} Write 5-6 keywords primarily representing your research that might not be present in your title or abstract necessarily
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% or \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}, if the colorlinks=true option of hyperref is used
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Include list of tables (and in table of contents) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\phantomsection \label{listoftab}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{List of Tables}
% or \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}, if the colorlinks=true option of hyperref is used
\addtocontents{lot}{\textbf{Table No}\hfill \textbf{Description}\hfill\textbf{Page}\par} %to print above the page numbers
% Include list of figures (and in table of contents)
\phantomsection \label{listoffig}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{List of Figures}
% or \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}, if the colorlinks=true option of hyperref is used
\addtocontents{lof}{\textbf{Figure No}\hfill \textbf{Description}\hfill\textbf{Page}\par} %to print above the page numbers
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Acknowledgments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\phantomsection \label{abbrv}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{List of Abbreviations}
\HeadingR{\MakeUppercase{List of Abbreviations}}
\blanklineR \blanklineR
KUET & Khulna University of Engineering \& Technology \\
IEM & Industrial Engineering and Management\\
SCM & Supply Chain Management\\
\bookmarksetup{startatroot} %front and backmatters are defined as part; so the bookmark hierarchy of the below chapters falls below the part, whereas I want them in the same level. This command from bookmark package works like a charm
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Introduction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Sub-section 1}
\subsubsection{Sub-sub-section 1}
In \autoref{sec:methods}, we discussed the methodology followed in this thesis.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Literature Review %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{LITERATURE REVIEW}\label{chap:lit_review}
% Cite the sentences in the following way. Until you cite, no references will be generated at the end of the document.
This thesis followed the IEEE style citation format. If you wanna change it to Author-Date, Harvard, MLA, Chicago, or APA style, consider modifying the parameters "style=author-date" or "style=apa" in the "package-settings.tex" file.
\cite{abdel2018internet}, \cite{abkenar2022determining}\\
\cite{afreen2021iot, aryal2020emerging, babagolzadeh2020sustainable}\\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Methodology %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C=\left [ C_{j} \right ]_{1\times n}^{'}=\left [ \sum_{n}^{j-1}t_{ij} \right ]_{1\times n}^{'} ; j=1,....,n
This is how an Algorithm~\ref{alg:dl_training} can be formatted.
\caption{Training a Simple Feedforward Neural Network}
\item \textbf{Input:} Training data $\{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^N$, learning rate $\eta$, number of epochs $E$
\item \textbf{Initialize:} Neural network $f$ with parameters $\theta$
\item \textbf{for} epoch = 1 to $E$ \textbf{do}
\item \hspace{1em}\textbf{for} each $(x_i, y_i)$ in training data \textbf{do}
\item \hspace{2em}Compute prediction $\hat{y}_i = f(x_i; \theta)$
\item \hspace{2em}Compute loss $\mathcal{L}(y_i, \hat{y}_i)$
\item \hspace{2em}Compute gradients $\nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}$
\item \hspace{2em}Update parameters: $\theta \leftarrow \theta - \eta \nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}$
\item \hspace{1em}\textbf{end for}
\item \textbf{end for}
Figure \ref{label1} shows a cat.
\renewcommand\thefigure{1} %% This command will update the table number appropriately according to the number you provide
\centering \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth,height=0.5\textheight]{Cats/kitty-cat.jpeg}
\caption{Figure caption}
%% Adjust width and height at your convenience
\renewcommand\thefigure{2} %% This command will update the table number appropriately according to the number you provide
\centering \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.35\textheight]{Cats/cat2.jpg}
\caption{First subfigure caption}
\caption{Second subfigure caption}
\caption{Master figure caption.}
Figure \ref{subfig1} and \ref{subfig2} also display the cats.
\chapter{RESULTS} \label{chap:result}
This is how to refer to the Table \ref{tab:stat1} and \ref{tab:stat2}.
\renewcommand\thetable{1} %% This command will update the table number appropriately according to the number you provide
\caption{Table Style One}
\begin{tabular}{|l |c |c |c |c|} \hline
\textbf{Model} & \textbf{t-statistic (metric 1)} & \textbf{p-value (metric 1)} & \textbf{t-statistic (metric 2)} & \textbf{p-value (metric 2)} \\ \hline
A & 71.81148356 & 9.95E-14 & 17.63726588 & 2.74E-08 \\ \hline
B & 63.94133809 & 2.82E-13 & 17.72554207 & 2.63E-08 \\ \hline
C & 57.87545827 & 6.91E-13 & 73.09019106 & 8.49E-14 \\ \hline
D & 63.01465217 & 3.22E-13 & 14.14082681 & 1.88E-07 \\ \hline
E & 68.07699279 & 1.61E-13 & 14.08814707 & 1.94E-07 \\ \hline
F & 65.40333765 & 2.31E-13 & 34.80494872 & 6.59E-11 \\ \hline
G & 71.80695901 & 9.96E-14 & 24.47760546 & 1.52E-09 \\
\renewcommand\thetable{1} %% This command will update the table number appropriately according to the number you provide
\caption{Table Style Two}
\begin{tabular}{l c c c c} \hline
\textbf{Model} & \textbf{t-statistic (metric 1)} & \textbf{p-value (metric 1)} & \textbf{t-statistic (metric 2)} & \textbf{p-value (metric 2)} \\ \hline
A & 71.81148356 & 9.95E-14 & 17.63726588 & 2.74E-08 \\
B & 63.94133809 & 2.82E-13 & 17.72554207 & 2.63E-08 \\
C & 57.87545827 & 6.91E-13 & 73.09019106 & 8.49E-14 \\
D & 63.01465217 & 3.22E-13 & 14.14082681 & 1.88E-07 \\
E & 68.07699279 & 1.61E-13 & 14.08814707 & 1.94E-07 \\
F & 65.40333765 & 2.31E-13 & 34.80494872 & 6.59E-11 \\
G & 71.80695901 & 9.96E-14 & 24.47760546 & 1.52E-09 \\
\chapter{DISCUSSIONS} \label{chap:disc}
% Change title of bibliography to References
% Make sure "references" is in the header
% \fancyhead[RE]{\bfseries REFERENCES} % if I make it for two-sided book-like printing
% \fancyhead[R]{\bfseries REFERENCES} % if I make it for single-sided printing
% Place it in the table of contents
\phantomsection \label{refs}
% Declare style
\printbibliography[title={REFERENCES}, notsubtype=this thesis]
%printing publication from this thesis; entrysubtype={this thesis} is mentioned in corresponding bib file
%\input{"Mathematical\space definitions/draft"}
\section*{Data availability}
Write about the availability of the datasets you used in your thesis.
\section*{Code availability}
Indicate and link the public repository of the codes you used in your thesis.
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% Use nb-converter to convert .ipynb file to PDF
% {1-end page number}: for the attachment of whole pdf
% {1,3,5-8}: for the attachment of 1,3,5,6,7,8 numbered pages
\includepdf[pages={1,3-6}, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{NIPS-2017}
\phantomsection \label{published}
\HeadingR{\MakeUppercase{Publication Associated with this Thesis}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\MakeUppercase{Publication Associated with this Thesis}}
[1] Jahin, M. A. \& Supervisor's last name, initials (2024). Title of your article. \textit{Journal Name}, \textit{Volume}(Issue), Article 1. doi: \href{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45406-7}{doi link}.
%%% Add the PDF file of the published article with updated page numbers using the following command if you wish
%\includepdf[pages=1-26, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{published}