KTH Royal Institute of Technology Presentation Template
Amir Hossein Rahnama
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A minimal template based on KTH Royal Institute of Technology's latex beamer template
A minimal template based on KTH Royal Institute of Technology's latex beamer template
% remove this if using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
\small{\centerline{Firstname Surname}}
\scriptsize{\centerline{\tt firstname.surname@kth.se}}
\frametitle{Software and Computer Systems (SCS)}
\frametitle{Collaborative Data Science Platform}
\item A \textcolor{Ocean}{shared platform} for all \textcolor{TextGreen}{data science} contributors
\item Open data science \textcolor{Ocean}{tools at scale}
\item \textcolor{TextGreen}{Self-service} access to \textcolor{Ocean}{data}, \textcolor{Ocean}{storage}, and \textcolor{Ocean}{compute}
\item A complete \textcolor{darkred}{pipeline} from data to deployment
\item Collaborative \textcolor{Ocean}{development tools}
\item \textcolor{Ocean}{Management} and \textcolor{Ocean}{reproducibility}