Krantz book template
Slava Lyubchich, Shashi Kumar
Last Updated
7 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Krantz book template for CRC / C&H.
Krantz book template for CRC / C&H.
%This file is just a wrapper. Please, edit the files for your chapter in chapters/chapter1/.
%Don't worry, we will put your chapter in the correct place when assemble the book.
\include{frontmatter/preamble} %place custom commands and macros here
\title{Quantitative Approaches to Evaluating Climate Change Impacts...
%in Socio-Environmental Systems, Public Health, and Insurance\\
%{\Large(Applied Environmental Statistics Series)}
\author{Yours Truly}
\setcounter{page}{7} %previous pages will be reserved for frontmatter to be added in later.
\part{Ecosystem-base Impacts of Climate Change}
\part{Climate Risks in Public Health and Epidemiology}
\part{Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Adaptation and Resilience}