\usepackage[english]{babel}% change to ngerman for a German poster
% Using biblatex and biber. It's more modern but takes more than twice as long to compile in my case. ****
% If you use biblatex, you need to comment and uncomment the marked statements in the references as well.
\usepackage{url}% do not use hyperref as its links are displaced with baposter because of the font scale
\usepackage{blindtext}% remove for production
% Select Font %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\usepackage{helvet} % closest to arial
\usepackage{bookman} % has some resemblance to Futura
\begin{poster}% Set grid to false for final print
% Eye Catcher
% Title
{This title may span one or multiple lines}
% Authors
{First Author{\small <first.author@imise.uni-leipzig.de>}, Another Author, Another Author}
% University logo
{% The makebox allows the title to flow into the logo, this is a hack because of the L shaped logo.
Some text~\cite{bb} and some more text~\cite{ob} and even more text~\cite{he}.
\renewcommand{\section}[2]{}%suppress heading
% using bibtex ***********
% using biblatex *********
Myproject is supported under the DFG grant numbers 1234/5-6 and 6543/2-1.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMISE Logo
\node [anchor=south east, inner sep=1pt,xshift=-26em] at (current page.south east)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DFG Logo, remove or replace if your project is funded by a different organization
\node [anchor=south east, inner sep=1pt,xshift=-2.5em] at (current page.south east) % for unknown reasons the xshift is necessary