IIT bombay Resume template 2021
Last Updated
3 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This sole purpose of this document is to help you create a draft version of your resume quickly. Hope it helps.
\usepackage[top=0.75in, bottom=0.2in, left=0.35in, right=0.35in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\isep}{-2 pt}
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\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\newcommand{\resheading}[1]{{\small \colorbox{mygrey}{\begin{minipage}{0.99\textwidth}{\textbf{#1 \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}\end{minipage}}}}
\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
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\includegraphics[height =0.8in]{iit_logo.eps}
\textbf{\Large{Firstname Lastname}} & {2030xxxxx} \\
\textbf{Computer Science \& Engineering} & \textbf{B.Tech} \\
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay & {Male}\\
\textbf{Examination} & \textbf{University} & \textbf{Institute} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{CPI/\%} \\
Post Graduation & IIT Bombay & IIT Bombay & 2019-21 & 9.40\\
Graduation & IIT Bombay & IIT Bombay & 2015-19 & 9.1\\
Intermediate/+2 & HSC & ABC College & 2013-15 & 90.23 \\
Matriculation & SSC & ABC School & 2012 & 93.21 \\
\bottomrule \\[-0.75cm]
% \fi
\noindent \resheading{\textbf{B.TECH THESIS \& SEMINAR}}\\[-0.3cm]
\item \textbf{Thesis title} \\
\emph{(B.Tech Project | Guide: \textbf{Prof. XYZ})} \hfill \emph{(June'20-Present)}\\
% \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,nolistsep]
\textbf{Current work:}\\[-0.5cm]
\item Description point 1
\item Description point 2
\textbf{Future work:}\\[-0.5cm]
\item Description point 1
\item Description point 2
% \end{itemize}
\item \textbf{Seminar Title} \\
\emph{(M.Tech Seminar | Guide: \textbf{Prof. XYZ})} \hfill \emph{(Jan'20-May'20)}
\item Description point 1
\item Description point 2
\resheading{\textbf{COURSE PROJECTS} }\\[-0.3cm]
\item \textbf{Project Title 1}, \emph{(CS XXX)}\hfill \emph{(Jan'20-May'20)}
\item Description
\item \textbf{Project Title 2}, \emph{(CS XXX)}
\hfill \emph{(July’19-Nov'19)}
\item Description
\item \textbf{Project Title 3}, \emph{(CS XXX)}\hfill \emph{(July’19-Nov'19)}
\item Description
\item \textbf{Project Title 3}, \emph{(CS XXX)}\hfill \emph{(July’19-Nov'19)}
\item Description
\resheading{\textbf{TECHNICAL SKILLS}}\\[-0.4cm]
\item \textbf{Programming \& Scripting Languages}: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Python, HTML, CSS\\[-0.6cm]
\item \textbf{Tools \& Libraries}: MATLAB, \LaTeX, OpenCV, ReactJS, AngularJS \\[-0.5cm]
\resheading{\textbf{WORK EXPERIENCE \& INTERNSHIPS}}\\[-0.3cm]
\item \textbf{Position held} | \textbf{\emph{Name of university or company}}\hfill \emph{(July’17-Apr'18)}\\[-0.6cm]
\item Description
\item Description
\item Description\\[-0.5cm]
\item \textbf{Position held} | \textbf{\emph{Name of university or company}}\hfill \emph{(July’17-Apr'18)}\\[-0.6cm]
\item Description\\[-0.5cm]
\item \textbf{Position held} | \textbf{\emph{Name of university or company}}\hfill \emph{(July’17-Apr'18)}\\[-0.6cm]
\item Description\\[-0.5cm]
\resheading{\textbf{POR \& EXTRA-CURRICULARS}}\\[-0.4cm]
\item \textbf{Teaching Assistant} for the course, \textbf{CSXXX : Course Name}\hfill \emph{(Aug'20-Present)}
\item \textbf{Interview Co-ordinator} at IIT Bombay\hfill \emph{(Dec'19)}
\item \textbf{Teaching Assistant} for the course, \textbf{CSXXX : Course Name}, supervised the labs for the course, evaluated their lab assignments, quizzes and examination papers \hfill \emph{(Aug'19-Dec'19 \& Jan'19-Apr'19)}
\item \textbf{Teaching Assistant} for the course, \textbf{CSXXX : Course Name}, supervised the labs for the course, evaluated their lab assignments, quizzes and examination papers \hfill \emph{(Aug'19-Dec'19 \& Jan'19-Apr'19)}