Chris Devenport
Last Updated
10 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My HW template
% This package simply sets the margins to be 1 inch.
% These packages include nice commands from AMS-LaTeX
% Make the space between lines slightly more
% generous than normal single spacing, but compensate
% so that the spacing between rows of matrices still
% looks normal. Note that 1.1=1/.9090909...
% Define an environment for exercises.
\newenvironment{exercise}[1]{\vspace{.1in}\noindent\textbf{Exercise #1 \hspace{.05em}}}{}
% define shortcut commands for commonly used symbols
% Make the space between lines slightly more
% generous than normal single spacing, but compensate
% so that the spacing between rows of matrices still
% looks normal. Note that 1.1=1/.9090909...
\title{Math 290 Homework Template}
\sc Christopher Devenport \\
Math 290 Sec 002\\
Date ???
\textsf{Assignment ???} \\
\textsf{Exercises: ?????}
The statement of the exercise goes here.
The proof goes here.
The statement of the exercise goes here.
The explanation or solution goes here.
The statement of the exercise goes here.
The proof goes here.
% Don't change anything below here