HU Berlin Statistic Presentation
Dennis Köhn
Last Updated
7 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Slide example to hold a presentation at the chair of statistics at HU Berlin.
Slide example to hold a presentation at the chair of statistics at HU Berlin.
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\institute{Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of Statistics \\
C.A.S.E. -- Center for Applied Statistics\\
and Economics\\
Humboldt--Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin \\}
% Comment the following command, if you don't want, that the pdf file starts in full screen mode:
% Main document
% Draw title page
% The titles of the different sections of you talk, can be included via the \section command. The title will be displayed in the upper left corner. To indicate a new section, repeat the \section command with, of course, another section title
\item Introduction
\item Pre-processing Steps
\item Model Selection
\item Variable Importance and Dimensionality Reduction
\item Results and Conclusion
% (A numbering of the slides can be useful for corrections, especially if you are
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\frametitle{Formal Problem Setting}
\item \textit{training set}: inputs $X = (x_1,\dots,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$ and labels $Y = (y_1,\dots,y_n) \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$
\item \textit{test set}: inputs $X' = (x'_1,\dots,x'_t) \in \mathbb{R}^{t \times d}$ without labels
Find a function
f: X\rightarrow Y
s.t. the \textit{test set} labels are predicted as accurately as possible, i.e.
f(X') \approx Y'
\item Introduction \quad \checkmark
\item Pre-processing Steps
\item Model Selection
\item Variable Importance and Dimensionality Reduction
\item Results and Conclusion
Several transformations and cleaning steps needed before putting the data into an algorithm, e.g.
\caption{Workflow of Pre-Processing Steps}
All transformation need to be preformed on the test set as well!
basicstyle=\tiny, %or \small or \footnotesize etc.
basic_preprocessing = function(X_com, y, scaler="gaussian")
X_ratings = replace_ratings(X_com)
X_imputed = naive_imputation(X_ratings)
X_no_outlier = data.frame(lapply(X_imputed, iqr_outlier))
X_time_encoded = include_quarter_dummies(X_no_outlier)
X_scaled = scale_data(X_time_encoded, scale_method = scaler)
X_encoded = data.frame(lapply(X_scaled, cat_to_dummy))
X_com = delect_nz_variable(X_encoded)
idx_train = c(1:length(y))
train = cbind(X_com[idx_train, ]
test = X_com[-idx_train, ]
return(list(train = train, X_com = X_com, test = test))
\quantnet \href{}{dataProcessing}
\section{Model Selection}
\item Introduction \quad \checkmark
\item Pre-processing Steps \quad \checkmark
\item Model Selection
\item Variable Importance and Dimensionality Reduction
\item Results and Conclusion
\frametitle{Optimizing Hyper-parameters}
\ForEach{i in 1:t}
Randomly split the data into k folds of the same size \\
\ForEach{j in 1:k}
Use $j$th fold as test set and the union of remaining folds as training set \\
\ForEach{p in 1:grid}
Fit model on training set using parameter set $p$ \\
Predict on test set and calculate RMSE
}%end inner for
\ForEach{p in 1:grid}{
Calculate average RMSE over the $t \times k$-runs
choose $p$ with the lowest RMSE
}%end oute and r for
\caption{t-time k-fold crossvalidation and gridSearch}
\quantnet \href{}{xgbTuning}
\quantnet \href{}{rfTuning}
\quantnet \href{}{svmTuning}
\frametitle{Taking on the curse of Dimensionality}
\item many variables (99 after pre-processing)
\item small training set ($n = 1460$)
\item variables are correlated with each other
Our approaches:
\item Variable selection through variable importance ranking
\item Extract a smaller set of variable using PCA
\section{Results and Conclusion}
\item Introduction \quad \checkmark
\item Pre-processing Steps \quad \checkmark
\item Model Selection \quad \checkmark
\item Variable Importance and Dimensionality Reduction \quad \checkmark
\item Results and Conclusion
\item Gaussian SVR with all variable is the single best model
\item PCA did not work well
\item Models perform best with the full set of variables as Figure \ref{fig:RFE} suggested
Inputs & Gaussian SVR & Random Forest & GBM \\
All Variables & \textbf{0.1308} & 0.1484 & 0.1333 \\
Top 30 & 0.1323 & 0.1515 & 0.1436 \\
PCA & 0.1607 & 0.1657 & 0.1657 \\
\caption{RMSE of submitted predictions}
\hspace{7.2cm} \href{}{Github: finalModels}
\item Introduction \quad \checkmark
\item Pre-processing Steps \quad \checkmark
\item Model Selection \quad \checkmark
\item Variable Importance and Dimensionality Reduction \quad \checkmark
\item Results and Conclusion \quad \checkmark
% Dedicated section for references
Breiman, Leo
\newblock{\em "Random Forest." Machine learning, 45(1), 5-32, (1999)}
\newblock available on \href{}{}
Chen, Tianqi, and Carlos Guestrin
\newblock{\em "XGBoost: Reliable Large-scale Tree Boosting System", Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Pages 785-794 (2015)}
\newblock available on \href{}{}
De Cock, Dean
\newblock{\em "Ames, Iowa: Alternative to the Boston housing data as an end of semester regression project" Journal of Statistics Education 19.3 (2011)}
\newblock available on \href{}{}
Friedman, Jerome H.
\newblock{\em "Greedy function approximation: a gradient boosting machine." Annals of statistics 1189-1232 (2001).}
\newblock available on \href{}{}
Kuhn, Max, and Kjell Johnson
\newblock{\em "Applied predictive modeling". New York: Springer (2013)}
Vapnik, Vladimir, Steven E. Golowich, and Alex Smola
\newblock{\em "Support vector method for function approximation, regression estimation, and signal processing." Advances in neural information processing systems 281-287 (1997)}
\newblock available on \href{}{}