HSLU - thesis template
Fabian Gröger
Last Updated
4 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating your presentation slides of a thesis at HSLU. You can generate slides with or without notes.
%% Based one the "beamer-greek-two" template provided
%% by the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics,
%% Mathematical Software and Digital Typography,
%% Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean
%% (http://myria.math.aegean.gr/labs/dt/)
%% Adapted by Fabian Gröger, June 2020
% to use normal slides ratio
% to use 16:9 ratio
%\documentclass[aspectratio=169, professionalfonts]{beamer}
%%% FONT SELECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% sans font %%%%%%%%%%
%%% Times NR %%%%%%%%%%
% Have subfigures and captions
% Tikz to crate diagrams, thanks to: https://github.com/mvoelk/nn_graphics
% Start of tikz settings
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, chains, positioning, decorations.pathreplacing, arrows}
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},font=\scriptsize,ylabel near ticks,xlabel near ticks,grid=major}}
% colors
\tikzstyle{signal}=[arrows={-latex},draw=black,line width=1pt,rounded corners=4pt]
% to make beautiful tables
% appendix for beamer
% notes on beamer template
% when using notes, make sure to have a pdf viewer, which can use the notes
% for example: https://github.com/Cimbali/pympress/
%\setbeameroption{show notes}
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
% load HSLU thesis layout
\setTeipelLayout{draft}% options: "draft" -> Watermark
% Thesis Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% title
\title[Title thesis]{Presentation\\ title thesis}
% author
\author[S. Author]{Full Author}
% supervisor
\supervisor{Supervisor}{name surname, company}{Expert}{Dr. name surname, company}
% date
% typeset front slides
% Start of Slides:
\section{Project overview}
\begin{frame}{Project overview}
\framesubtitle{This is a subtitle}
\item idea was to create a fridge for the HSLU
Here you can add notes to the slides
\section{Project management}
\begin{frame}{Project management:}
Insert figures here
Still notes
\section{Related work}
\subsection{Related work subject \#1}
\begin{frame}{Related work}
\framesubtitle{Related work subject \#1}
column left
column right
\begin{frame}{Questions and answers}
{\fontsize{40}{50}\selectfont Thank You! \\[10pt] Q \& A}
% allowframebreaks: creates multiple slides if it is to long for one
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[book]
Goodfellow, Ian, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
\newblock \emph{Deep Learning}.
\newblock MIT Press, 2016.
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[article]
Schroff, Florian, Dmitry Kalenichenko, and James Philbin.
\newblock \emph{FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering}, 2015.
\newblock \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.03832}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[online]
Dekkers, Lauwereins, Thoen et al.
\newblock \emph{DCASE Challenge 2018 Task 5}, 2018.
\newblock \url{http://dcase.community/challenge2018/task-monitoring-domestic-activities}
\begin{frame}{Backup Slides}
\framesubtitle{backup slides}