homework template
Last Updated
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
just an easy and quick homework header
\newcommand{\class}{Course Name Here} % This is the name of the course
\newcommand{\examnum}{Assignment Name Here} % This is the name of the assignment
\newcommand{\examdate}{Date Here} % This is the due date
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r @{\extracolsep{6pt}} l}
\textbf{\class} & \textbf{Name:} & \textit{Your Name Here}\\ %Your name here instead, obviously
\textbf{\examnum} &&\\
\textbf{\examdate} &&\\
% ---
\begin{enumerate} %You can make lists!
\item This is the first item.
\item This will make another item. % You can do this for each question.
\item Yet another item.
\item Lists within lists! \begin{enumerate}
\item ha-HA!
\item see?
Look! Math! $f(x)=4x^2 - \frac{3}{4}x +1$ %use the dollar signs to go into math mode