Homework Template
Kristen Beck
Last Updated:
10 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for mathematics *group* homework assignments.

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\parindent 0in
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADJUST THESE VALUES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\hw}{?} %% ASSIGNMENT NUMBER %%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\group}{??} %% GROUP NUMBER %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\nameA}{Name 1} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\nameB}{Name 2} %% GROUP MEMBERS %%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\nameC}{Name 3} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\newcommand{\nameD}{Name 4} %% FOURTH GROUP MEMBER? %%%%%
\newcommand{\term}{???} %% SEMESTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\coursenumber}{?!} %% COURSE NUMBER %%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\coursename}{?!?} %% COURSE NAME %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\begin{trivlist}\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries \hw.#2.}]}
\textbf{Group \group:}\hfill\textbf{Math \coursenumber ~-- \coursename}\\
\textbf{\nameB}\hfill\textbf{Homework \hw}\\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN PROBLEMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Statement of first problem.
Solution to first problem.
Statement of second problem.
Solution to second problem.
Statement of third problem.
Solution to third problem.
Statement of fourth problem.
Solution to fourth problem.