Homework template for my upper division math courses
Sean Cox
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Homework template for my upper division math courses. Updated August 2019.
Homework template for my upper division math courses. Updated August 2019.
%Do not alter this block of commands. If you're proficient at LaTeX, you may include additional packages, create macros, etc. immediately below this block of commands, but make sure to NOT alter the header, margin, and comment settings here.
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amssymb,amsfonts, enumitem, fancyhdr, color, comment, graphicx, environ}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\specialcomment{com}{ \color{blue} \textbf{Comment:} }{\color{black}} %for instructor comments while grading
\NewEnviron{probscore}{\marginpar{ \color{blue} \tiny Problem Score: \BODY \color{black} }}
%Fill in the appropriate information below
\lhead{Student's name} %replace with your name
\rhead{Math XYZ \\ Section XYZ \\ Semester XYZ \\ Assignment XYZ} %replace XYZ with the homework course number, semester (e.g. ``Spring 2019"), and assignment number.
%Do not alter this block.
%Solutions to problems go below. Please follow the guidelines from https://www.overleaf.com/read/sfbcjxcgsnsk/
%Copy the following block of text for each problem in the assignment.
Statement of problem goes here (write the problem exactly as it appears in the book).
Write your solution here.
%Copy the following block of text for each problem in the assignment.
Statement of problem goes here (write the problem exactly as it appears in the book).
Write your solution here.
%Do not alter anything below this line.