%% (Master) Thesis template
% Template version used: v1.4
% Largely adapted from Adrian Nievergelt's template for the ADPS
% (lecture notes) project.
%% We use the memoir class because it offers a many easy to use features.
%% Packages
%% ========
%% LaTeX Font encoding -- DO NOT CHANGE
%% Babel provides support for languages. 'english' uses British
%% English hyphenation and text snippets like "Figure" and
%% "Theorem". Use the option 'ngerman' if your document is in German.
%% Use 'american' for American English. Note that if you change this,
%% the next LaTeX run may show spurious errors. Simply run it again.
%% If they persist, remove the .aux file and try again.
%% Input encoding 'utf8'. In some cases you might need 'utf8x' for
%% extra symbols. Not all editors, especially on Windows, are UTF-8
%% capable, so you may want to use 'latin1' instead.
%% This changes default fonts for both text and math mode to use Herman Zapfs
%% excellent Palatino font. Do not change this.
%% The AMS-LaTeX extensions for mathematical typesetting. Do not
%% remove.
%% NTheorem is a reimplementation of the AMS Theorem package. This
%% will allow us to typeset theorems like examples, proofs and
%% similar. Do not remove.
%% NOTE: Must be loaded AFTER amsmath, or the \qed placement will
%% break
%% LaTeX' own graphics handling
%% We unfortunately need this for the Rules chapter. Remove it
%% afterwards; or at least NEVER use its underlining features.
%% This allows you to add .pdf files. It is used to add the
%% declaration of originality.
%% Some more packages that you may want to use. Have a look at the
%% file, and consult the package docs for each.
%% Our layout configuration. DO NOT CHANGE.
%% Theorem environments. You will have to adapt this for a German
%% thesis.
%% Helpful macros.
%% Make document internal hyperlinks wherever possible. (TOC, references)
%% This MUST be loaded after varioref, which is loaded in 'extrapackages'
%% above. We just load it last to be safe.
%% Document information
%% ====================
\title{Title of Thesis}
\author{S. Tudent}
\thesistype{Master Thesis}
\advisors{Advisors: Prof.\ Dr.\ A. D. Visor, Dr.\ P. Ostdoc}
\department{Department of Computer Science}
\date{January 19, 2038}
%% Title page is autogenerated from document information above. DO
%% The abstract of your thesis. Edit the file as needed.
%% TOC with the proper setup, do not change.
%% Your real content!