EAWE PhD 2022 Seminar Template
Thomas De Kerf
Last Updated
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX template for the EAWE PhD 2022 Seminar
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}
\usepackage{mathptmx} % Don't remove this package
\rhead{18$^{th}$ EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy\\2-4 November 2022\\Bruges, Belgium}
\title{\textbf{Title of the extended abstract}}
\author[a,b]{\underline {\textbf{Author 1}}}
\author[a]{\textbf{Author 2}}
\author[b]{\textbf{Author 3}}
\affil[a]{Affiliation a }
\affil[b]{Affiliation b }
\texttt{E-mail: e-mail address of the corresponding author}\\
\textit{Keywords}: Some keywords here
This template for the annual EAWE Ph.D. seminar shall be used in the preparation of the extended abstract when using \LaTeX. The total length of the document is max 4 pages for the extended abstract, including figures and references.\\
The format and typesetting of this abstract is listed below:
\item Paper size is A4 with text width and height of 130 and 200 mm, respectively.
\item Font to be used is ‘Times’ (default) with justified side alignments and the font sizes are: Title 18pt., Author list and affiliations 14pt., E-mail address and keywords 11pt., Section titles 16pt., Text, figure captions and bibliography 10pt., Footnotes if any 8pt.
\item The abstract title and authors should be in bold and the presenting author should be underlined.
\item Author affiliation is done with footnotes with the number format “a,b…” if necessary.
\item Section titles (and subtitles) should be numbered 1. 2. ... (and 1.1 1.2 ...). They should be in bold.
\item 5 References are done with square brackets and the number format “1,2,…”. First letter of the first name and full surname of the author should be used, followed by the reference title. The journal name should come next and appear in italic, followed by volume and first page number, and finally the year. See below for an illustration \cite{BLOCKEN201469},\cite{MO201311}.
Make sure that the labels and all other text in the figure/figures have readable and comfortable font size, i.e. not smaller then 10pt. Use a suitable format of the figure file.
\caption{(a) Velocity distribution in time. (b) Velocity distribution in the downstream direction.}
To ensure that your extended abstract gets accepted, we advise you to follow some basic rules to guarantee quality of content. We are welcoming towards early stage researchers and the criteria listed below are by no means binding, but rather serve as a guideline.
\item In general: be precise.
\item No need to explain basic concepts.
\item Structure your work clearly into sections
\item Formulate a clear research question/multiple research questions.
\item Formulate your (planned) research methods and why you are applying them.
\item Formulate the context (be concise).
\item Formulate expected outcomes.
\item Language: English (be consistent if you choose for either US English or UK English).
\item Cite the sources in a consistent way.
Acknowledgements, if any.