% Developer CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (28/11/21)
% This template originates from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Authors:
% Stijn Dejongh
% Based on a template by Jan Vorisek (jan@vorisek.me)
% Based on a template by Jan Küster (info@jankuester.com)
% Modified for LaTeX Templates by Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
\documentclass[9pt, green]{./template/developercv} % Default font size, values from 8-12pt are recommended
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\colorbox{accent}{{\Huge\textcolor{white}{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{Barry}}}}} % First name
\colorbox{accent}{{\Huge\textcolor{white}{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{Bareel}}}}} % Last name
{\LARGE Primary job title \space\space \fcpipe \space\space Secondary job title}\\ % Career or current job title
\hspace{1pt}{\ssmall \speciality{Speciality 1} \space\bpipe\space \speciality{speciality 2} \space\bpipe\space \speciality{An other Specialty 3} \space\bpipe\space \speciality{I am very good at stuff} }
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
% The first parameter is the FontAwesome icon name, the second is the box size and the third is the text
% Other icons can be found by referring to fontawesome.pdf (supplied with the template) and using the word after \fa in the command for the icon you want
\callme{+00 555 12 34 56}
\hfill % Whitespace between
%\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} % 50% of the page for the skills bar chart
% \vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
% \begin{barchart}{5.5}
% \baritem{JavaScript}{60}
% \baritem{PHP}{100}
% \baritem{SASS/LESS}{70}
% \baritem{Bootstrap}{70}
% \baritem{Git}{40}
% \baritem{LaTeX}{60}
% \end{barchart}
{03/2020 -- present }
{\linkage{https://www.google.com}{Name of the project and/or customer}}
{Self Employed \space\cpipe\space Freelance}
\itemmarker I achieved something amazing, helping the customer increase their profits by 5000\% over the span of X months. (\linkage{https://www.google.com}{link to reference})\\
\itemmarker Use active language when describing your efforts and resposabilities. \\
\itemmarker Try and quantify the things you did. This gives your recruiter a better view of the scope and results. It also demonstrates you know what is important to your customer.\\
\itemmarker If you talk about a specific technology or methodology that not everyone will be familiar with, include a link to it's website or wiki page. For example: I organized \linkage{https://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-scrum}{Scrum} ceremonies to increase developer engagement.\\
\techlist{Add, the, most, relevant, tools, and, technologies, here}
{Primary Function \band Other function}
{03/2019 -- 12/2019}
{Project name - Customer name}
{Company I worked for}
\itemmarker \lorem \\
\itemmarker \lorem, resulting in a 24\% decrease of the execution time.\\
\itemmarker \lorem \lorem \\
\skilllist{Not, every, project, is, tech, driven, so, I, list, my, relevant, skills, here}
{My job title at the time}
{10/2015 -- 02/2019}
{\linkage{https://www.wikipedia.com}{Some project - Customer name}}
{Employer name}
\itemmarker Make sure you include only relevant job experiences here.\\
\itemmarker If you wish to note that you have had more experiences in the past, combine them into a single entry in this list. \\
\itemmarker This overcomes "gaps" in your curriculum, while keeping focus on the direction you are pursuing now. \\
\techlist{Add, the, most, relevant, tools, and, technologies, here}
{Job title \band Other thing I did}
{2011 -- 2015 \pipe\tiny{discontinuous}}
{Company One \cpipe Company Two }
{Internship \space\cpipe\space Gap Filler}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.75\textwidth} % 27.5% of the page width for the first row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip} \small
\itemmarker Use a collection section like this for jobs you did a long time ago.\\
\itemmarker You can also use this to talk about semi-relevant internships or extra-curricular projects.\\
\itemmarker Make sure to be very brief here and focus only on the highlights.
{Various functions}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\small \textbf{Dutch} \hfill {\ssmall C2 Proficient User \cpipe Mother tongue \hspace{3pt}} \\
\small \textbf{English} \hfill \hspace{-5pt}{\ssmall C1 Proficient User \hspace{3pt}} \\
\small \textbf{French} \hfill \hspace{-5pt}{\ssmall B2 Independent User \hspace{3pt}} \\
\small \textbf{German} \hfill \hspace{-5pt}{\ssmall A1 Basic User \hspace{3pt}} \\
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\cvsect{Proud of}
\textcolor{accentbackground}{\faGlobe}\hspace{0.5mm} \small{\textbf{\linkage{https://www.github.com//ddd-crew}{Open Source Contributions}}} \\
\footnotesize Talk about a notable side project here.
\small{\textbf{\linkage{https://www.vzwaif.be/projecten-2/}{A volunteer experience}}} \\
\footnotesize Social service or community involvement is always nice to put on a resume.
\textcolor{accentbackground}{\faTrophy}\hspace{1mm} \small{\textbf{\linkage{https://www.formula1.com/en/results.html/2021/drivers.html}{Notable award or achievement}}} \\
\footnotesize Add anything extraordinary you achieved or overcame here.
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\cvsect{Education \amp Trainings}
\small \textbf{Professional Great Person II} \hfill \techit{\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont certification} \vspace{-1mm} \\
\footnotesize 2020 from \textcolor{accentbackground}{\linkage{https://www.linkto.certificate}{Issuer of certificate}}
\small \textbf{Relevant course or Training} \hfill \techit{\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont training} \vspace{-1mm} \\
\footnotesize 2019 by \textcolor{accentbackground}{\linkage{https://www.udemy.com}{Instructor or platform}}
\small \textbf{M. Sc. Applied Awesomeness} \hfill \techit{\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont degree} \vspace{-1mm} \\
\footnotesize 2015 from \textcolor{accentbackground}{\linkage{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_of_Hard_Knocks}{School of hard knocks}} \\
\bpipe cum laude (or other academic honors) \vspace{0pt}
\small \textbf{B. Sc. Awesomeness} \hfill \techit{\fontsize{4}{5}\selectfont degree} \vspace{-1mm} \\
\footnotesize 2012 from \textcolor{accentbackground}{\linkage{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_of_Hard_Knocks}{School of hard knocks}}
\cvsect{Skills, Tools \amp Platforms}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Methodologies and Techniques}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Design patterns \cand Refactoring techniques}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Test Driven Development \cpipe TDD}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Domain Driven Design \cpipe DDD }{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Behaviour Driven Development \cpipe BDD}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Testing Approaches}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Prototyping}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{C4 modelling}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Process agility \cand workplace humanization}{5}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Design \band Documentation tools}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{PlantUML \cand Structurizr}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{\linkage{https://www.sparxsystems.com/}{Enterprise Architect}}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{draw.io \cpipe diagrams.net}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Document generation}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{\linkage{https://www.atlassian.com/software}{Atlassian Confluence \cand Jira}}{4}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Programming \band Scripting languages}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Java}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Kotlin}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Python}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JavaScript \cand TypeScript}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{PHP}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Bash Scripting}{4}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Markup languages}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{XSD \cand XML}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{HTML}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{CSS \cpipe SCSS \cpipe SASS}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Asciidoc \cpipe Markdown}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{LaTeX}{4}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Platforms and server technology}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Tomcat}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JBoss Server \cpipe Wildfly}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Oracle Weblogic}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Docker}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Active MQ}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Oracle SQL Server}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{MongoDB}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Linux}{4}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Frameworks \band libraries}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Spring \cand Spring Boot}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Hibernate}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JDBC}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Boilerplate generators: Mapstruct \cand Lombok}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JUnit \cand AssertJ}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JBehave \cand Cucumber}{3}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Frontend frameworks \band Libraries}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Angular \cand AngularJS}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Drupal}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JSF}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Static site generators}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Selenium \cand Cypress}{3}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\skillsect{Development tools}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Maven}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Gradle}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Ant}{3}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Git}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Jenkins}{5}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{Sonar \cand SonarCloud}{4}
\hspace{7mm} \cvskill{JMeter \cand JProfiler}{3}
\cvsect{Elevator pitch}
\hspace{10pt} Write a text about what makes you stand out from your competition. Think about it as what a recruiter would say to a prospect in order to convince them to hire you. \lorem \lorem \\
\hspace{10pt} \lorem \lorem \lorem \lorem \lorem}