Beamer theme for Donders Institute
Pierre Guetschel
Last Updated
год назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial beamer theme for the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Radboud University).
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% UNOFFICIAL style for beamer presentations at RU-DI
% Radboud University, Donders Institute,
% Nijmengen, Netherlands
% Author: Pierre Guetschel <>
% Date: Oct 2022
% Instructions:
% - to create the title page, use: \titleframe
% - to create a section page, use: \sectionframe
% Inspirations:
% -
% -
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\usetheme{rudi} % Radboud University, Donders Institute beamer theme
%%% Uncomment to remove the foot line: %%%
%%% Uncomment to remove the bands on the left: %%%
%\setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}{}
%%% Comment to dectivate the numbers in the table of contents:
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[subsections numbered]
\title[Beamer theme for D.I.]{A beamer theme for the Donders Institute!}
\institute[Donders Institute]
Radboud University, Donders Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands
\titleframe % Use this command to create the title page
\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
\section{Beamer elements}
\sectionframe % Use this command to create a section page
\subsection{The beamer blocks}
\frametitle{The beamer blocks}
\framesubtitle{This is the slide subtitle}
This is a standard block (here a theorem).
Here is an example block
Here is a bit of text between the blocks.
And here is an alert block.
\subsection{Itemize and Enumerate}
\begin{frame}{Itemize and Enumerate}
\item<1-> This is the first element of an enumerate.
\item<2-| alert@2> The second element is highlighted when appearing.
\item<3-> The third element contains an itemize environment
\item First itemize item. It contains another enumerate environment:
\item Here;
\item And there.
\item Second and last itemize item.
\item<1-> This is the last enumerate element. The others are hidden at first.
\subsection{The figures and tables}
\begin{frame}{The figures and tables}
\caption{Example figure's caption}
\section{Theme colors}
\begin{frame}{Available colors}
Base colors:\\
\colorbox{rudi-black}{\color{white} rudi-black}
\colorbox{rudi-dark-red}{\color{white} rudi-dark-red}
\colorbox{rudi-ru-red}{\color{white} rudi-ru-red}
\colorbox{rudi-bright-red}{\color{white} rudi-bright-red}
Extended colors:\\
\colorbox{rudi-dark-orange}{\color{white} rudi-dark-orange}
\colorbox{rudi-blue}{\color{white} rudi-blue}
\colorbox{rudi-green}{\color{white} rudi-green}
Watered colours:\\